Church news for the week of July 26, 2015

Published 1:14 pm Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Bethany Baptist Church

Bethany Baptist Church opened its service with the hymn “He Cared that much For Me.”

Our devotion for the day was from 2 Timothy 4:1-4 and titled “God’s Men Should Speak God’s Word.”

Everyone should share God’s Word. In the latter verses, we see how people think God has changed. People have itching ears; they do not want to hear the portion of God’s Word that convicts them of sin. People choose what they want to hear; therefore, they can live their lives as they wish. Many churches that only teach God is love and that eventually everyone will get to heaven are growing fast and are popping up everywhere.

The word “preach” does not mean to pastor or lead a church, but to teach the Word. Be ready when the opportunity arrives to tell everyone about Jesus and what he did for us on the cross. The only way one can be ready is through the study of the Bible.

The Bible tells us that we are to rebuke and exhort, not judge whether people are saved. Do not rebuke with a judgmental attitude, but with long suffering through teaching. Be patient with those who are lost. People change; God doesn’t.

We had prayer and Sunday School, and then began worship service by singing “Hand-in-Hand With Jesus,” “What a Day That Will Be,” “Redemption Draweth Nigh” and “Lord, I Need You Again Today.”

Bro. Aubry began the message “Life’s Waiting Room” from Psalm 37:1-10.

Before being born again, everyone had a past life, having been born of the flesh and sinful creatures. Everyone had a lost past regardless of how good or bad you were.

After we are saved, we do things that make God sad, but we never lose our salvation. We will always be children of God, just as we are physical children of our parents. When we sin, we lose fellowship with him, just as when we disobey our physical parents we lose our fellowship with them.

As bad as things are in the world today, we as children of God can have some peace. We know that after life in this world, we will spend an eternity with God. In the meantime, we must wait until God says it is time for us to go to heaven.

Many things cause us to have fear and worries here on earth. Psalm 37 shows how the wicked prosper when the saved seem to be struggling. We may have food, clothing and shelter, but there are many other ways in which we struggle.

In the book of Job, we find that Job had the same problems as the psalmist David in Psalm 37, and Asaph in Psalm 73. Today less than 50 percent of Americans that believe Jesus Christ ever existed, when a few years ago, many more believed in Jesus.

In verse 17, Asaph went into the sanctuary of God and realized the end of the wicked, and in verses 21-28, he realized how much we have when we trust God. When we begin to fear what is around us, look up and realize what God does for his children. God will never forsake those whom Jesus Christ has saved.

Why do the righteous have an advantage over the lost? Do not fear or be angry with God because of the ways of the world. Don’t be angry with the wicked, but look to our future and see that we do indeed have the advantage over the wicked. If lost when this life ends, the wicked will spend an eternity with in hell with Satan. The child of God will spend an eternity with God in heaven.

Matthew 6:25-34: “Do not worry about what you have, because if God takes care of the animals, birds, and plants, how much more will he care for us?”

We closed services with a prayer and the hymn “Jesus is Calling.”

Evening service opened with the hymn “All Because of God’s Amazing Grace.” Bro. Aubry brought the evening message “Waiting for Heaven or Hell” from Psalm 37:4.

We can choose to reject God’s free gift of salvation and go to hell, or choose to accept the gift, and go to heaven. The Word of God has been given to all of us. While waiting, we need to know if we are lost or saved. If lost, we need to come to Christ for repentance and salvation. Instead of delighting ourselves with things that please the flesh, we need to delight ourselves in the free gift of salvation of the Lord.

Those who are lost do not necessarily realize they are lost. They find pleasure in the things of the world.

When you become saved, you should love the Word of God, church and all the things of God. As long as we concentrate on all that is wrong in our lives, the less we think on the circumstances of the blessings and peace we receive from God.

The Christian life will not always be easy, but depend on the Lord and run a good race for the Lord. Rather than worry, the righteous should cast all their cares and worries on the Lord. He is never late or early, but will take care of our problems in his own time.

It takes discipline of self to be a good disciple of God. Do not follow the ways of the wicked, and do not allow yourselves to be worked up in a rage over what the world is doing. We should be complete in Christ, as instructed in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. We should put on the whole armor of God, who in his time will give the righteous their reward. The best is yet to come for those who have accepted God’s free gift of salvation.

We closed with a prayer and the hymn “Jesus Paid It All.”

Our prayer list includes our church, missions and missionaries, Bro. Aubry, Shirley, Grace, Jackie, Lisa, Colyn, Jenny, Barbara W., the Allen Downs family, Vikii, Helen, Glenda, Mary K., Evelyn K., Bro. Greg Bixler and the unsaved.

Submitted by Jane Vines

Mount Carmel No. 1

Sunday was a beautiful day for our homecoming celebration. The church at Mt. Carmel has been giving God praise for 80 years, and we are thankful for all who attended the celebration of this anniversary.

The songs of praise by the group Justified touched our hearts and souls. The congregation joined with them in singing some old favorites. We are thankful for this group of fine Christians who helped us celebrate this special day.

We want to thank everyone who participated in getting the church and grounds ready for Homecoming, especially Gene Wilkins and Wallace Bates, but also to everyone else who took part.

During Sunday’s service, J.P Gibson played “This Little Light of Mine” on the piano for the offering.

Bro. Terry’s morning message was titled “Life is a Journey.” The message was taken from Genesis 24:42.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The entire universe owes its existence to a wise and powerful creator.

Remember to pray for our nominating committee. Let us pray for each other to do God’s will if asked to fill a position.

Please pray for each person listed on our prayer list; read your Bibles daily and pray for our church and each other.