New president elected for Chilton County Humane Society

Published 5:52 pm Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The new change in hours will not affect employees’ work schedules who work at the courthouse.

The commission voted to table a discussion regarding the possibility of allowing residents in Chilton County the ability to renew car tags for two years at the Chilton County Tag Office.

Chilton County Tax Collector Tim Little told commissioners the Alabama Legislature passed a bill allowing counties the option to allow car tags to be sold for two years.

Little said some of the rules and regulations surrounding the bill were unclear and told commissioners he would like to see more details emerge before the county vote on the resolution.

Commissioners have until Nov. 1 to decide if they would allow the two-year option.

Parnell asked Little if he would keep commissioners updated if more information became available regarding the possibility.

“We can make a better and more informed decision once we know more about this,” Parnell said.

Commissioner Heedy Hayes asked how many other counties were adopting the resolution, but Little told commissioners he was not sure.

Little told commissioners he would bring back more information regarding the resolution as it becomes available.

Commissioners also voted to set a cut-off date for new county retirees to not begin receiving healthcare until age 65.

Parnell said he was concerned with the issue of healthcare after retirement.

“We have a lot of employees in this county who may qualify for healthcare after retirement and with the Affordable Care Act, those liabilities could become overwhelming,” Parnell said. “We have 30-40 employees retiring, it will be a burden this county can not stand.”

Parnell suggested commissioners establishing that any new retirees with the county would not receive healthcare from the county until 65.

Everyone voted in favor.