Commission adopts master plan, announces road projects
The Chilton County Commission passed a resolution to support the Exit 212 master plan during its meeting on Aug. 11.
The Clanton City Council adopted the plan at its meeting the day earlier on Aug. 10.
With both parties agreeing, it allows the master plan to officially be finalized and move along with the process of luring businesses to the Exit 212 corridor.
However, the support was not unanimous with Commissioner Joe Headley opposing the adoption of the master plan.
County Road 51 from County Road 42 to County Road 44 was approved as the next portion of road to be worked on as part of the Rebuild Alabama project.
Other work on the project list includes replacing bearing pads under both bridges on County Road 73 and spot leveling on County Road 42 from four-way stop to Highway 145.
The Commission also approved a resolution that will begin enforcing the wearing of masks to be worn by the public when doing business inside county buildings.
In other news from the meeting:
- A resolution was passed to authorize the county attorney to resolve an open burn issue with ADEM for $1,000 and to allow the chairman to sign the authorization.
- The resignation of Travis Marley as a truck driver with the road department effective Aug. 14.
- The road department was permitted to begin advertising and hiring a truck driver.
- Bids will be requested for Phase II of the wastewater treatment system at Minooka Park.
- A resolution was passed for Billy Singleton to place a historical marker for Chilton County. The Chilton County Chamber of Commerce will finance the cost to erect the marker.
- A budget work session is scheduled via Zoom on Aug. 18 at 5 p.m.