Latest Faith and Family


Finding assurance to fear not

By April J. Buchanan | Religion Columnist We have likely heard often of how Scripture tells us to ...


Spontaneous revival ongoing in Kentucky

On Feb. 8 at an ordinary, scheduled chapel event at Hughes auditorium, a spontaneous revival broke out at ...


When love is on automatic pilot

By PASTOR RANDY REID |Clanton First Assembly of God Wife says, “Honey, you never tell me you love ...

Faith and Family

An invitation to come to the table

By PASTOR RANDY REID Clanton First Assembly of God One of the most intimate invitations you can extend ...

Faith and Family

Religion and politics – the great dividers

It has been said that nothing divides people quicker than religion and politics.


Comparing church history and today

By April J. Buchanan | Community Columnist Throughout church history, there have been many times in which it ...


Choose peace not division

By Pastor Jason Green | Mineral Springs Baptist Church Traveling troublemakers, this is something with which the church ...


Religion column: Waiting on the promise of the Lord’s return

As a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, I wholeheartedly believe the scriptures.


Does the truth still matter?

Among professing Christian’s today, there is much contentment in an understanding of God and what it means to ...


Overcoming the difficulty of prayer

By Pastor Randy Reid  | Clanton First Assembly of God Growing up in church, my parents made me ...


Learning from the mother of Christ

As a child, I remember my mother reflecting on the character and qualities of Mary whom God hand-picked ...


Thank you to the Special Olympics team

I spent Thursday morning at the Chilton County Special Olympics. Michelle Coppedge, the Chilton County Board of Education ...


RELIGION COLUMN: What if it hadn’t happed

Okay, I will admit it. I’m a fan of the holidays. I always have been.


Living a life of thanksgiving

Well, to November! It seems as if 2021 has flown by. We are two thirds through college football ...

Faith and Family

FAITH: Where are all the strong men

By Pastor Randy Reid/ Clanton First Assembly of God My dad was not a big man. Standing at ...

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