Church news for the week of Aug. 20, 2015

Published 1:57 pm Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Mars Hill Baptist Church

It was wonderful to start the worship service with the dedication of six beautiful babies, all girls dressed in pretty pink and white lace and bonnets. Their parents and older siblings also took part in this service, and the parents are to be commended for their devotion to the church and for raising these precious little ones in the nurture and admonition of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you to all the friends and relatives who also attended to make this service a special one. One or all of these little ones could grow up to be leaders of our church or nation. Watch out world, these beautiful babies will soon be adults, and in the blink of an eye! Amen.

Bro. William Short’s message this week was taken from Mark 9:34-37. “But they (the Twelve) kept silent, for on the road they had disputed among themselves who would be the greatest. And he (Jesus) sat down, called to Twelve, and said to them: ‘If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all.’ Then he took a little child and set him in the midst of them. And when he had taken him in his arms, he said to them, ‘Whoever receives one of these little children in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.’”

A child has three things an adult can never get back: A clear mind, a pure heart and clean hands. Parents, fill the minds of your little ones with things of Jesus; teach them about him, his miracles and especially his love for all.

A pure heart is a loving heart, one that accepts the will of the Lord and is willing to follow him and do his will. Clean hands have only good things to do. They are never separated from God.

Why can an adult never have a clear mind, pure heart and clean hands? Well you can if you repent of your sins and ask the Father to forgive you and give you back the things the world has taken away from you. It’s a simple thing to do, but it requires action from us before a change can begin in our lives.

Faith is believing in things we have not seen. Most often, adults today say, “Show me and I will believe,” but God says, “Believe and then I will show you.” So first we have to believe that God can and will do these things for us. Get on your knees and ask forgiveness, and mean it with your whole heart. Then step back and watch God enter your life and begin to restore to you those things you had lost.

We sometimes allow our children free access to the Internet, video games, and music that teaches them to hate, how to fight and to reject sound teaching. Teachers in schools today have their work cut out for them because kids have no respect for authority anymore. Turn your children around; monitor their Internet use, video games and especially music that teaches violence.

I am not speaking of all children here. Please understand that there are good kids, and at Mars Hill we have some of the best, in my opinion, just as there are good kids everywhere, but it seems as if you only hear about the worst of them.

The twelve disciples asked Jesus who would be the greatest, and his response probably set them back on their heels. A child with a clear mind, pure heart and clean hands is greater.

When you find yourself seeking recognition in any form, stop and ask yourself if this is God’s will for you. Keep your mind free of hate, greed and lust, and fill it with things of God. Keep your heart in an attitude of love and acceptance of others. Keep your hands in the service of God, and you won’t have to worry about them getting dirty.

God has something for everyone. None of us are the same; we all look and act differently, and we all learn differently, but as long as we are children of God, our differences don’t matter. It’s the love of God that keeps us together to keep on pressing on, to keep up the fight and to finish the race, as Paul did.

If you listen with your heart, God has work for you to do. What better way than to start as a little child, learning and growing with Jesus?  We are all as little children in the eyes of God; we grow as we learn about him and his ways. Amen.

Upcoming events:

•Our back-to-school bash will be held from 11-3 p.m. on Aug. 29.

•Our ladies are having a “girls night out” starting at 6 p.m. on Aug. 18.

•Don’t forget to bring your Operation Christmas Child shoebox items this month in preparation for a packing party later this year.

Please continue your prayers for our church, our pastor, the sick, the lost, the hurting, our children, teachers and schools, our military, our missionaries, our government and the peace of Israel. Remember: No matter who is president, Jesus is still King. God is good, all the time! Amen.

Submitted by Danny L.

Bethsalem Baptist Church

Our day of worship began with Bro. Justin welcoming everyone and giving announcements. Bro. Cleve directed us in several songs of praise.  The Celebration Choir’s special music was “Word of God, Speak.”

Bro. Justin preached from Ephesians 6:13-18. His sermon was titled “Putting Together the Cross.”

Josh and Jeff Thrasher were saved during the evening service.

Our church will host a skeet shoot and steak supper on Aug. 22. A registration fee of $25 will be charged to cover the cost of shotgun shells, clays and a grilled steak and baked potato dinner. Our hope is to connect men in the community.

Happy birthday to Susan Bradberry, Roland Connell, April Stange, Blake West, Jennifer Deaver, Buster Avery, Jordan Thomas, Renee Wingard, Courtney Ash, Chloe Barnes, Ava Williams, Bridgette McCary, Leigh Ann Boddie and Brenda Brasher.

Pray for our country and its leaders, Allen and Casey Daniel, Buddy Knudson, Maria Porter, Grace Samantha, Jeanette Rhodes, Pete Johnson, Charles Held, Wendell Hand, Lynn Cox, Renie Thomas, Mike Smith, Melissa Langford, Betty Blalock, Betty Bennett, Kathy Fitzgerald, Kyle Fulford, Jimmy Headley, Michael Arnold, Kinlee Till, Hunter Moore, Justin and Peter Daugherty, Chad Mix, Lowell Strock, Stephanie Hinton, Paul Price, our homebound, assisted living and nursing home residents, those in need of salvation, all those facing cancer, our churches and our pastors, Charles Beard and Brent Oliver.

Have a blessed week. Tell someone about Jesus. Have a blessed week. Come worship with us Sunday.

Submitted by Elvie Patterson