Church news for July 12, 2015

Published 3:49 pm Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Floyd Baptist Church
Bro. Mike Lawrence’s message was from Hebrews 12:1-3. Look at the financial situation in the country of Greece. Why is it that way? Greed and corruption, also known as sin. The financial situations may be falling apart, but the word of God still stands. If you’re outside of God’s word, then you’re sinking in the mess that the world is in today.
The name of God is a tower and a stronghold for those who would seek shelter from the enemy. We should seek God’s way first, and not things that we know won’t help. Some ask, why would a loving God allow people to go to hell. God doesn’t want anyone to go to hell. Man chooses to go there. The holy spirit will prick people’s heart and let them know there is sin in their lives, but they refuse the call of God and continue the path of sin that they’re on. God has made promises to man:
1. God will be our savior. God sent his son Jesus as he said he would many times in the Old Testament.
2. God has promised to answer prayers that are prayed in his name. This doesn’t mean he gives us a “blank check.” He is saying if God can get glory out of it, he will answer it.
3. The promise of his presence. God is with his children always. We walk away from God, God doesn’t walk away from us. He will never leave or forsake us.
4. God has promised to help in life’s problems. God is a Sheppard. What does a Sheppard do? He provides for the sheep. Jesus cares for our needs in like fashion.
5. God has promised everlasting life to those who trust in Jesus. No one can pluck a soul out of God’s hand.
Everyone is welcome to come worship with us at Floyd. We are located at 3439 County Road 59 in Verbena.
Mt. Carmel No. 1 Baptist Church
This Sunday morning, we had a glorious time in the house of the Lord. Lots of great songs and time of welcoming and fellowship was shared by the congregation, as the children gathered money for the “Penny March.” Special music was sung by the praise team, singing “Sweeter as the Day Goes By.”
“Salvation is available today,” John 10: 25-30, was the message Bro. Terry brought Sunday. We are safe in the father’s hands. Salvation is a personal thing, a secure life. Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, I know them and they follow me.” You ask Jesus to save you; salvation is personal and free.
Christians are those who have been called by Jesus. Christian people who have been saved, Jesus holds them securely in His hands.
We are converted; we have a change of mind. Our mind is renewed, be not conformed to this world. We are controlled by Jesus Christ, the example we ae to follow because we belong to Jesus.
Salvation is a gift from God. God’s son, Jesus, died for everybody. “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” John 10:28. Eternal life can never be lost, never be taken from you. It’s forever and ever. Salvation is protected by our God. We never would have salvation or know of Heaven if God didn’t care. Praise the King of Kings and Lord of Lords for saving my soul.
Remember Mt. Carmel Homecoming, July 26 at 10 a.m., with lunch served at 12 p.m. Guest singers will be “justified” singing, “Praise to the Lord.” You are invited. We will celebrate our 80th homecoming.
The youth of our church will make their trip for the summer at the end of this week. Please keep them in your prayers for a safe trip, and they will be in the center of the Lord’s will.
Wednesday night is our mid-week Bible study. We have family time for all ages. Our Bible study is the book of 1-John. Read your Bible daily and pray for our church and those on our prayer list. We invite you to join us for worship.
Jackson Chapel Church
What wonderful services we had at Jackson Chapel this week. Our pastor, Bro. Reburn Dailey brought a great message Sunday morning, and Bro. Billy Burtram brought some wonderful messages Sunday night through Wednesday night for our revival.
Sister Carol Smith got the morning worship service started off with, “He Keeps Me Singing” and “Jesus Saves.” Sister Carol also brought the special music with, “He Lives.” Bro. Dailey’s text came from Ezekiel 37:1-12. We as Christians are beginning to dry up in the very presence of God.
We are not concerned about the things that are going on, much less the lives we are living. Satan is doing his best to drag us as Christians down, dragging the churches down and trying to rob us of all the joy we have.
We need to get back to an old-fashion altar, so we can have a little talk with Jesus and get back to where we need to be. We need to get the fire back that we used to have in serving Jesus Christ, and if we will do this, we will begin to see our fires light back up, and this lost and dying world will be able to see a difference in us.
Jesus Christ doesn’t like his children sitting back and letting our bones dry up. We really should be ashamed of just sitting back and drying up in the presence of Jesus Christ when there are so many blessings that God bestows on us.
We should be telling everyone we come in contact with about the mighty things Jesus Christ is doing. The service ended with an altar filled with people praying.
Sister Carol Smith got the evening service started off with, “Revive Us Again.” Several testified and gave glory to God for everything he does for us. Our special music was provided by “Called Out.” Bro. Billy Burtram began our revival, and his text was taken from 2 Chronicles 7:14; 29:1-10, with a message entitled, “You Might Need Revival If.” Jesus Christ knows if we need revival or not.
We need an old fashion Holy Ghost revival. America needs a revival stirring in the land to wake the people. We need Christians on fire for God instead of just playing church.
We should consider it a privilege to worship Jesus Christ because there are many people that do not have the freedom we have here in America.. We should want to come to the house of God because Jesus Christ deserves all the praise and glory. We need an old fashion experience with Jesus Christ, not just a feel good experience so everyone will notice a change in us. But we’ve got to want revival, God won’t push it on is. The service ended with an altar full of praying people.
Happy Birthday to Billy Burnett, Sharon Caudle and Brooke Steinmentz.
Please pray for these requests as you pray this week: Samuel Burnett, Bro Wayne & Sister Janice Cobb, The Brooks Burnett family, Teresa Speakman, our country, our leaders, our service men and women, our lost loved ones, our churches and unspoken requests.
We are located at 4020 Yellow Leaf Road in Clanton. Our services times are Sunday school, 10 a.m.; Sunday morning worship service, 11 a.m.; Sunday evening worship service, 6 p.m. and Wednesday evening Bible study, 7 p.m.
Submitted by Misty Burnett