Church news for the week of April 12, 2015

Published 9:53 am Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Cedar Grove Church

Pastor Dennis Smith will be preaching a revival at Mt. Bethel Church on April 13, Pastor Jeff Carroll will be preaching there on April 15. Service begins at 7 p m. each night

Outreach Ministry Service will be held April 18 from 4-8 p.m. at the Wood Park in Thorsby. There will be singing, refreshments and a good time to be had by all. Everyone is invited to attend.

Prayer concerns: Susan Smith’s family, Russell Wyatt’s family, Janet Wyatt, Mary McGuire, Kenny Wyatt, Jennifer Nivens, Jennifer Watley and those in hospitals and nursing homes.

We are proud to have had Bro. Wayne Cordes, a representative of The Gideon Bible Association, with us on Sunday to give us the good news that the gospel of Jesus is still being shared around the world through the handing out of Bibles and the delivering of Bibles to other countries. He shared many wonderful testimonies of lives being saved because of Bibles that were left in hotel rooms, at schools, etc.

I would like to share with you Bro. Gary Hubbard’s text for Sunday School, which was taken from Isaiah 1:1-9, 16-20. His message was titled “Isaiah’s Message to Judah.”

Isaiah’s message to Judah was, of course, from God. We can see today that America is becoming like Judah. America has the same opportunity as Judah had in this scripture for the chance to repent of its sins, turn back to God and be healed. We can once again be “one nation under God.” Would that not be an awesome blessing?

Submitted by Naomi Gillespie

Mountain Springs Church

Sunday morning’s service began with the hymns “Oh, I Want to See Him,” “I Want to Be Ready to Meet Him,” “The Sweetest Song I Know” and “Come and Dine.”

Bro. Roger Cleckler brought a devotion from Mark 11:24. Jesus tells us to believe when we ask, without doubting, and it will be ours. We’ll ask Jesus, “Can you do this?” Jesus will say, “I told you I can do this.” The devil will always come and try to make you doubt. Keep the faith, ask and believe!

After Sunday school, Bro. Wayne Barnett sang “Mighty is He.”

Bro. Heath Vines preached from John 20:18-31. Jesus went through all that He did, because He loved us. Jesus didn’t just tell us that He loved us, but He showed us!

Jesus was the only man to be raised from the dead by his own power. After Jesus was raised from the dead, he gave his disciples a mission that also applies to us. That mission puts a purpose in our lives.

The resurrection gave us a few different things. It revealed to us who Jesus Christ is. It showed us that he’s not just a “good man” or a prophet; he is the Son of God, and he is our peace. The resurrection gives us the reassurance of faith. God can give us reassurance and encouragement, just like when he showed the disciples his side, his hands and his feet in John 20:27.

Next, the resurrection renewed the commission. Jesus had been preparing his disciples to reach out into the world. Jesus has called us to reach out and share the gospel (Mark 16:15). The disciples also received power through the resurrection. We don’t have to be in bondage by anything or live a defeated life. Jesus can set us free.

Lastly, the resurrection gave us results. In the last 2000 years, we have seen the Church as a whole grow. The Church is still thriving. Has the resurrection impacted your life?

Sunday night began with the following hymns: “Jesus is Coming Soon,” “Where the Soul Never Dies” and “I Want to Know More About My Lord.”

Bro. Kenneth Moates brought a devotion from Acts 2:41-44. Jesus sent this text as an outline for the early church. These people baptized, obeyed God, had great fellowship, feared the Lord, saw miracles, and had unity and all things common (all had the salvation of the Lord in their hearts).

Gracie Vines, Kristin Thomas, and Avree Parrish sang “Introduction” as the Sunday night special.

Bro. Heath Vines brought his Sunday evening sermon from 2 Corinthians 5:17. Everything becomes new when we give our lives to Christ, but is the church losing its identity?

Some churches say they have a “new way to worship,” but the Bible tells us to worship in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). We should worship in prayer, singing, learning and studying.

We as the church should be cheerful givers. The Lord loves cheerful givers. If you’re faithful to God, he will be faithful to you. God will bless you in return for what you give.

There are some things the Church must not change. The first is the way of salvation. Some people try to add or take away from it. Faith in Jesus Christ and repentance is required (Luke 13:3). Jesus is the author of our salvation (Hebrews 5:9).

Next, we must not change what the Bible says or the standards and principles of God.

We must determine in our hearts to live holy. Be faithful in what God has called you to do (Revelations 2:10). Be with people who line up with the Word of God. We need fellowship with one another. We should be identified with Christ: Walk with him, obey him, be submissive to him and give him total control of our lives.

The Mother/Daughter Banquet will be held on May 9 at 2 p.m.

The singing featuring Barry Rowland and Deliverance will take place on May 9 at 7 p.m.

Submitted by Savannah Parrish