Church News for Thursday, Feb. 13

Published 2:38 pm Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Bethsalem Baptist Church

We had a great day of worshiping on Sunday. Bro. Cleve gave a big welcome. The congregation singing was great. We recognized those having birthdays and anniversaries. Bro. Bobby gave the ministry opportunities.

Our Celebration Choir special was “Had It Not Been.” Bro. Bobby preached from Hebrews 7:23-28. Jesus is our High Priest.

We ended our service by observing the Lord’s Supper. We closed out by singing “To God Be the Glory.”

Pray this week for Eddie Vaughan, Artie Wildes, Beth Welch, Flora Snyder, Johnny Smith, Scott McKenzie, Rebecca Martin, Jessie Phillps, Johnny McClain, Bobby Bush, Carlyon Billingsley, the Crawford family, Jason Nelson, Hayley Boyd, Wendy Speigner, Dan Tession, Hunter Moore, Charles Bryant, Diane Williams, Eri and Hope Wilson and babies, Brad and Rebeca, Emma Eubank, our shut-ins, those facing cancer, our homebound, and those in assisted living and in nursing home.

Happy Birthday to Siehna Pierce, Jack Lyster, Molly Sealy, Audrey Moore, Lisa Merrill, Gabrielle, Leblane, Jessie Jones, Marie Burrett, Katie Littlefield, Charles Ousley, Teri Mitchell, Ralph Edwards, Bill Smith, Allen Moore, Aldan Edwards, Sharon Thornton, Julie Hunter, Morgan Cullum, Kaylen Bradberry, Drew Edwards, Aylien Bnniques , Roy Martin and Kayle Knight.

Happy anniversary to Judson and Joanna Hill (6 years).

Mount Carmel No. 1

We had a glorious time in the house of the Lord on Sunday morning. We were few in number but we know Jesus is the most important treasure that God can give us. We were thankful to be with our friends and visitors.

Bro. Stanley Higgins brought the message in the absence of our pastor, Bro. Derrell, whose family was attending Collins Chapel Church for the dedication of his grandchildren, Jude Eden and Case Brand. They are the children of Casey and Lillie Brand.

Bro. Stanley took his sermon from John 16:27-33. It was titled “Where is Peace?” True peace only comes when you give your life to Jesus Christ. “Ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. Keep yourself in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.”

The service closed with people coming to the altar to pray and be prayed for. It was a very touching time. God is so good.

Visiting with us on Sunday evening was Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Jones, the brother and sister-in-law of our pastor. We were blessed with special music by Bryan, Bro. Derrell and Tammy as they sang “Mountaintop for Me,” John the Revelator,” That’s No Mountain” and “Still Holding On.” We thank them for taking the time to sing for us. We were so blessed.

Sunday night’s message was titled “Math and the Cross” from Galatians 6:14-18. The cross has subtracted the old life to new life that I should glory in the cross. The plus sign in math is what Christ can offer. You have been added to heaven’s list. The plus sign gives life and eternity in heaven.

“Division through the cross,” Paul said, “neither availeth circumcision nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.” Through the cross, we multiply our blessings and inherit an intercessor who goes to the Father for us. We have the Holy Spirit, who is a helper and comforter. We’ve been given equal chance through the cross. Brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.

We invite everyone to come out for our prayer breakfast on Sunday, Feb. 16 at 8:30 a.m. The menu will be pancakes and sausages. Come meet your church family and friends, then join us for Sunday school and preaching service.

Please remember to pray for our WMU ladies during “Focus Week” Feb. 10-16. If you missed the WMU Winter Brunch at Jemison First Baptist, you truly missed a blessing from the testimony and music by Dawn Smith Jordan. Thank you Jemison WMU Ladies.

As you have your daily devotion and prayer time this week, pray especially for Baby Jacob Jones and his family as the time for his doctor’s appointment draws near. Remember all others on our prayer list: our church, our pastor, our nation and our leaders. May God bless you this week.