Church News for Thursday, May 2
Published 4:27 pm Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Mountain Springs Church
Services started on Sunday with Bro. Kenneth Moates leading the church in the following hymns: “I’m Going That Way,” “I Never Shall Forget the Day,” “I’ll Have a New Life” and “Fill My Way With Love.”
Bro. Ashley Bice gave the devotion from Psalms 62:5-6: God is our rock and salvation; our hope should be in him. The hope we have in Jesus is far better than the hope we have in this world.
After Sunday school, Bro. Kenneth led the church in the hymn “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms,” and Kevin Vines, Landon Barnett and Wayne Barnett sang “Farther Along” blessing the church with a wonderful song.
We are proud to have Bro. Donald Vanderslice and his wife, Mrs. Florence, at our church again. Bro. Don will serve as our interim pastor. This week, he preached from Luke 22:54-62: Just because you have the position in the church doesn’t mean you have the condition. The Bible says to love the Lord with all of your heart, and love your neighbor as thyself. If we are honest with ourselves, we’ll see that we all fall short of that.
Sunday night’s service was our end-of-the-month singing. Everyone blessed the church with their songs. God has placed many talents at our church.
Don’t forget, our services are Sundays at 9:45 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. We hope to see you there!
Mount Carmel No. 1 Baptist Church
God is so good in so many ways; his blessings are all around us in events and ways that we never stop to say thanks for. I was reminded of this as the choir sang “You are my Refuge.” When we need a shelter, he is there, waiting to be our sanctuary.
Bro. Derrell brought a message to us on Sunday morning from Matthew 14:22-32 that had a strange title. He called it “Boat Potatoes.”
What do you see first when you look into these scripture verses? We probably see Peter and his lack of faith. What about the other 11 disciples who were in the boat? They were afraid and doing nothing; their dilemma was bigger than their faith. Do we have the faith to get out of the boat as Peter did, or are we going to be boat potatoes as the other eleven? When we face the storms of life each day, we need to have faith enough to get up, get out and get going with Jesus. Keeping our eyes on Jesus will allow us to weather the storms we face in life.
Sunday evening, God sent the message, “A Victory Song,” to us from Exodus 15:1-2. Even when we are at our lowest point in life, as Christians we have a lot to sing about: we have the victory. Even though the children of Israel were in bondage and facing many hardships, they had the Lord on their side. With God’s help they were delivered out of Egypt’s bondage. Their song of victory went up to the Lord when they saw the destruction of the enemy. Their song acknowledged the mighty works of God. It was a song that celebrated God’s power over evil. Their song can remind us that the Son of God will reign forever, and we can be victors over sin, which is constantly trying to defeat us.
As you pray this week, we ask that you remember the special needs of our church family. Please pray for Ronnie Childress, Hilda Cary, Frances Higgins, Jean Foshee, Minnie Childress, Elladene Mims, Sarah Scott, and Baby Jacob Jones and his family.
If you don’t have a church home we invite you to join us on Sundays and Wednesdays for a time of worship and praise to God for his blessings.