New immigration law brings tears

Published 5:59 pm Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Dear editor,

I’m a teacher in Chilton County. Recently I experienced the most painful day that I have ever experienced in education. I watched, hour after hour, as my Hispanic students sobbed over the loss of their friends and family who have been forced to move out of state by the new immigration law.

I saw them cry on each other’s shoulders as they worried about their own uncertain futures. I hugged and cried with them as they walked the halls of our school, perhaps for the last time. These 10-, 11- and 12-year-old babies, who are part of our school family, are enduring a pain that I can only imagine.

I hope that our lawmakers know the pain that these children have been subjected to due to their own fear and bigotry. I also hope they know that I will remember this day when it comes time to vote again. To all of my kids, I love you, and if you have to leave, I will miss you horribly.

Todd Alexander