Art show entries due June 24
Published 6:55 pm Monday, June 1, 2009
It’s time to get out the pencils or paintbrushes and create a masterpiece.
Peoples Southern Bank is sponsoring its annual Peach Festival Art Show, and all entries are due June 24.
Betty Cook, vice president of Peoples Southern Bank, said the art show was started to create interest and inspiration for the local artists.
“We encourage people to participate,” Cook said.
The art show began 25 years ago and was held at the entrance of the beauty contest at the high school. The organizers wanted a better venue to display the artwork, so Roy Wood, longtime employee of Peoples Southern Bank, got permission to hold the art show at the bank, which began sponsoring the show.
The Art Show has been renamed the Roy Wood Peach Festival Art Show to honor Wood, who passed away a few years ago.
Scarlett Teel, local artist and art teacher, said the show typically draws 30 to 40 pieces of art.
Teel said the biggest portion of art is paintings and drawings, but artists are not limited to any medium.
The subject matter can be peach related or anything of the artists’ choosing.
Art is judged by an out-of-town juror, normally a college art teacher.
After the judging, the artwork will be on display at the bank until June 30.
“We have a lot of traffic through the bank that week,” Cook said.
Cook said over the years she has been surprised by locals with hidden artistic ability.
“I didn’t know the talent that we had until we started this,” Cook said.
Chilton County artists can drop off their artwork at Peoples Southern Bank from 12-2 p.m. Wednesday, June 24.