APSO holding steak fundraiser
Published 9:30 pm Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The Alabama Power Service Organization (APSO) is once again sponsoring its annual fundraiser.
In past years, the organization has provided a meal from Olive Garden.
This year, they are instead providing a steak dinner from The Hickory Chip Restaurant in Clanton.
The dinner is scheduled for Friday, March 27 at the Alabama Power Company office (the Water Course) in south Clanton.
Three different pickup times are set for noon, 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. Participants may either dine at the Water Course or take their meal home with them.
The fundraiser dinner will include a rib-eye steak, baked potato with trimmings, salad and dessert.
Tickets are $15 apiece and are available from any APSO member, the Energizers or at the Alabama Power Company office on Seventh Street South.
People who work at a business and order 10 or more meals may request that their orders be delivered to them.