Clanton City Council approves budget, other business


The Clanton City Council met Sept. 26 to conduct business and hear from the community.

Two bills were approved to be paid: one for petroleum and one for asphalt. The total amount was approximately $112,000.

The budget for 2017 was approved at $13.5 million.

The West End Watch was represented at the meeting. Concerns were expressed about unkempt lots and run down houses. The Watch has seen things going back to the way they were before the city took action to clean the area up, according to the Watch’s president, Jackie Baker, who said there were drug dealers from outside the community coming in now. The neighborhood had it under control, but now it’s starting back up again, according to Baker. He expressed the concern of the neighborhoods’ citizens and wanted to know what the city had planned. Driver said there are plans to tear down one house in the neighborhood soon, and that the Council will meet with Awlahjaday Agee to find a solution for the rest.

In other business:

  • A resolution was approved to change the electrical code for city buildings from the 2015 to 2014 edition until the 2017 edition is available.
  • Tommy Austin’s medical leave was extended until Nov. 1.
  • A lawnmower’s consideration for surplus was put on hold until more items can be declared surplus at one time.
  • The Council waived a license fee for the Chilton County Kiwanis Club Fair, something Mayor Driver said the Council has always done for non-profits.
  • Alagasco sent a contract suggesting a renewal of its franchise fee for 30 years at 1% of gross sales, but the Council voted to offer 20 years at 4%.
  • Jana Zuelzke from Butterfly Bridges thanked the Council for its support of the program and asked that it match its previous financial support again this year.
  • A bridge next to Waffle House has broken pilings, and the county’s right of way goes to the edge of the bridge, so the city has to fix it. The Council voted to spend $7,688 to fix it rather than replace the whole bridge, which would cost an estimated $450,000 according to Mayor Driver.
  • A request was made from Johnson Control for tax abatement to be considered in October. It requested the abatement to be retroactively applied to September. The original abatement went from 2012 to 2022. There was a motion and a second to approve. There was one opposed vote.
  • Jeff Henley spoke to the council about lots the city owns near Wilson Road. The dam needs repairs, and homeowners need the lots for access to the pond. According to Henley, the homeowners are having trouble selling their homes because of the broken dam. The Council offered both lots for $5,000, and Henley said he would get back with the Council within the week.
  • A citizen expressed concern about the sewage repair in West End and when it will be patched up and paved. Driver said there are people working on it.



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