Vegetable gardening program set for March 8
Spring is upon us, and that means that gardens will soon be planted throughout Chilton County.
The Chilton County Extension Office will host a vegetable gardening program on March 8 from 10 a.m. to noon.
The program is free for anyone who wants to learn about backyard vegetable production.
According to Regional Extension Agent Nelson Wynn, the program will focus on what to look for when selecting a garden site, as well as methods of water irrigation.
Wynn specializes in home grounds, gardens and home pests. He will be joined during the program by fellow speakers Sallie Lee and Dr. Jim Jacobi, both with Extension.
There are certain problems that garden growers are faced with each year, one of which is tomato blossom end rot.
According to Wynn, many people still do not realize that tomato blossom end rot is not a disease but the result of a nutrient deficiency.
“It’s good to indentify the problem,” Wynn said. “Disease and insect problems can look the same.”
Pesticide management will also be a topic that is discussed and followed up in depth with a program of its own in April.
“Most of the planning [for a garden] is done after the average last frost,” Wynn said.
The average last frost for the central Alabama area is April 15.
With the last frost typically mid-April, it makes the first week in March an opportune time to hold a program that gets people thinking about the process required for starting and maintaining a garden.