Thorsby youth football league making a comeback
By J.R. Tidwell / Editor
The Thorsby youth football league is searching for players to sign up for the upcoming 2018 season.
The league is attempting to make a comeback this year after low numbers forced the organization to cancel its 2017 season.
“We didn’t want to not have a season last year,” said league president Crystal Smith. “We didn’t have enough players, and we didn’t want anyone to get hurt not having enough subs to come in and give kids a break.”
Anyone wishing to sign up a child for the league may do so on either July 21 or July 28. Registration will be held from 9 a.m. to noon both of those days in the press box at Thorsby’s baseball park.
The cost to register is $80 per child with a discount given to families who sign up more than one player.
“We are starting the program back, and we want kids to sign up and play, but we feel like people don’t know we’re doing it this year,” Smith said. “We are only charging enough to pay for the insurance and uniform for each player to help get the program back running.”
Players will be responsible for providing their own helmets, which must also be certified by law. Smith said the league does have some available for purchase.
There will be three ages groups in the league: 5-7 years old (midgets), 8-9 years old (minors) and 10-11 years old (majors).
“We are good on older kids (though more can register), but we need more younger kids to sign up,” Smith said. “We also have plenty of cheerleaders.”
Anyone who would like more information on the league or registering a player may contact Smith at (205) 955-2925.