Church news for Thursday, Sept. 9, 2010

Lime Springs United Methodist Church
Our Sunday School lesson focused on the first four trumpets found in Revelation 8.
The morning message focused on 1 John 5:13-21 and the importance of overcoming uncertainty. Bro. Shannon spoke about the importance of clear and precise messages in life. He used several famous sayings from Yogi Berra as an example. Sometimes confusing messages may be funny and sometimes they may bring disaster. It is for this reason we must always have clarity when it comes to God’s word.
Using our scripture reading, Bro. Shannon presented five “we know” statements of John that we can have ourselves. We know that we have the promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ, that God hears our prayers when we pray, that God will protect us from Satan, that we are children of God, and we know that we are one with Jesus. The key to our faith is the ability to proclaim the words from that old children’s hymn, “Jesus Loves Me, This I Know!” Do you know?
We held our monthly congregational meeting after the morning service.
Our evening Bible study focused on whether a man saved could fall from grace.
Happy anniversary to Nancy and Danny Tignor.
Our service times are as follows: Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; Sunday morning worship at 11; evening Bible study at 5:30; and Wednesday night prayer meeting at 6:30.
For more information concerning Lime Springs, please call 755-4950 or 755-6356.

Mount Bethel Baptist Church
It is so good to get to church Sunday morning and be among God’s people. You can feel the Spirit of the Lord so strong it gives you an inner peace that the world doesn’t know.
We started with a song of praise followed by prayer and then went into our classes for Bible study.
The choir opened the morning worship hour with “He Bought My Soul at Calvary,” and the choir special was “Anywhere is Home.”
The Rev. Oneil Cleckler’s morning sermon came from Hebrews 12:25-29, 2 Peter 3:10, Psalm 45:6 and Romans 8:38-39, “The World is in Constant Change.” We need to know what we can depend on and those things in which we can trust. God’s word tells us that he will remove those things that are not created by him. The throne of God cannot be shaken and will never be removed, and he will rule forever. The throne is a place of grace but also a place of judgment. Then we go to the word of God. It is true, powerful and sure. It will never change. Those who believe God’s holy word can be saved. They can be added as God’s adopted children. Their life can never be plucked from God’s hand. As a child of God you are secure in this changing world.
After a short service Sunday evening, we had a “meet and greet” time of fellowship to welcome our new pastor and his wife, Matt and Amanda Hout. We have been blessed to find such a God-led couple as Matt and Amanda. Please pray that God will bless their ministry.
We want to wish a happy birthday to Don Hardyman, Will Marcus, Kristy Blow, Donald Barr, A.C. Luhrs and Pam Connell.
Visitors are invited to join us for worship and fellowship.  Sunday School is at 10 a.m.; morning worship at 11; Discipleship Training at 5 p.m. and evening worship at 6.

Friendship Baptist Church
Our choir special Sunday was “What a Lovely Name.”
Bro. Gene Hitchcock’s sermon was from Acts 20:17-22 and was entitled, “God’s Man, Serving the Lord.” Paul gives us a farewell message to the Ephesian elders.
During the evening service, Bro. Gene’s sermon was from Acts 21:10-14, “Knowing the Will of God.”
Homecoming is this Sunday, Sept. 12 beginning at 10 a.m. Our music will be provided by Joan and Carl Headley, Rita Cleckler and Linda Wyatt. John Will Wyatt will be bringing our message. We so look forward to seeing everyone.
Tablescapes is Sept. 11. This is a very popular event for the women of our churches, and there is always a full house. The speaker is Kandi Anderson.
The Mega Training Day Conference is Sept. 23 from 7-8:30 p.m. at Jemison Baptist Church. This is special training for leaders in our church, including Sunday School and Discipleship Training leaders.
The first meeting for the 2011 Guatemala medical mission trip will be at 2 p.m. at the Baptist Association office on Sept. 24.
Happy birthday to Thomas Marcus and Beth Jones.
Prayer requests: Mary Leigh Bond, Edith Williams, Jerry Wilson, Wendy Bryant and unspoken requests.

Walnut Creek United Methodist Church
Joan McGriff and Norma Popwell played a beautiful prelude Sunday morning, followed by the call to worship, “The Family of God.”
Jerry Tippett made announcements. Communion will be Sept. 12, and homecoming is scheduled for Sept. 19. There will be more details announced later.
During invocation, Bro. Tony said, “We are the church together. The church is a people; unity is only possible by being in Christ.”
During children’s time, he talked about football being a game in which every member of the team has a common goal. “Play it the right way,” he said.
Our celebration hymn was “The Church’s One Foundation,” followed by our affirmation of faith and special music, “They Will Know We Are Christians.” It was a beautiful arrangement by the choir.
Sharing joys and concerns: Prayer is requested for Buddy Baker, Daryl’s dad and son, O.J. McGriff, Lavada Attaway, Johnny Mims, Jamie and their darling children, the Caffee babies and the Clemons family.
We also recognized our visitors Sunday. It was a very special welcome.
Scripture and God’s message came from 1 Corinthians 12:12-14. The message was on togetherness.
You and I are united as people of God and have salvation because we believe in death and resurrection. We are one because of Jesus Christ and his uniting powers.
Bro. Tony reminded us that some people have lost hope. That should not be in our vocabulary; we must believe that Jesus Christ offers us something that can override all the wishes and desires that leave us with this feeling of despair. We must stand together and take a stand together. There is hope in Jesus Christ.
Paul says over and over again, “I am in Christ and he is in me.” He should always be with us in spirit as we should serve him daily, united in Jesus Christ.
Birthdays for September: Lavada Attaway (Sept. 13), Debbie Popwell (Sept. 16), Bill Attaway (Sept. 18), Grayson Gore (Sept. 19) and Hailey Calloway (Sept. 22).
Pray for someone today.

Jackson Chapel
Bro Dewayne Castleberry got the Sunday School hour started off with a good lesson entitled “Live with Faith and Hope.”  Bro Horace Wyatt got the morning worship service started off with “I’ll Be Satisfied” and “Keep On the Firing Line.”  Misty Burnett sang “You’re Still God,” and in the absence of Bro Dennis and Susan, Bro Wayne Cleckler brought the morning message entitled “Coming Out of Weakness” taken from Hebrews 11:30, 34.  We as Christians need to make a commitment to serve Jesus Christ because making that commitment today can certainly make a difference in our tomorrow.  Satan can make us miss out on some of the greatest blessings that God has for us, so we need to make sure that we stay on God’s side to receive those blessings.  The service ended with several coming to pray.
Bro Horace Wyatt got the evening service started off with “Where the Soul Never Dies” and “What A Friend We Have in Jesus.”  Sis Patricia Cofer sang “My Hope is Anchored in his Love,” and Glenn Riley sang “In the Garden” and “Take My Hand Precious Lord.”  Bro Wayne Cleckler’s message came from 1 John 3:18-24 with a message entitled “Things that Christians Can Lose.”  Christians can lose our assurance if we do not abide by his commandments.  No matter what God commands us to do, we need to do it with everything we’ve got because God will bless us more than we could ever imagine.  We need to be very careful about serving Jesus because if we choose not to serve Jesus Christ, that will cause us to lose our rewards that we have waiting in heaven.  If we go back into the world we will lose our testimony that God has instilled in us so we need to live everyday as close to Jesus as we possibly can.
Please remember these as you pray this week: Peggy Castleberry, Shirley Burnett, Daniel Cleckler, Doris Smith, Earl Davenport, James and Marie Johnson, Jerry Castleberry, Hershell and Marie Rhodes, Teddy Chadwick, our lost loved ones and our service men and women.
We are located at 4020 Yellowleaf Road in Clanton.  Our service times are as follows: Sunday School at 10, morning worship at 11, evening worship at 6, and Wednesday night prayer meeting and Bible study at 7.  We also have Kid’s Club on Wednesday nights at 7 for grades 1-6.

Bethany Baptist Church
Homecoming at Bethany is Sept. 26.  We hope to see many of our friends and family and former members, as well as visitors.  Bro. Paul Armstrong will be bringing the morning message.
Memory verse this week: Colossians 3:23:  “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, not unto men.”
Jonah 3:1-10 was the text for Bro. Aubry’s message, concerning the virtue of humility.  First Peter 5:6 says, “Humble yourself therefore under the mighty hand of God, and he will exalt you in due time.”  Because of Jonah’s (eventual) humility, he preached to the wicked people at Nineveh and the people from the greatest to the least, humbled themselves and accepted God’s word.
Sunday night Bro. Aubry continued his message on the virtue of humility with the greatest example of humility: Christ Jesus himself.  In Philippians 2:5, 8 we are told: “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus…And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.”
Prayer list:  Lillian Burkhalter, Sherry Cooper, Lela Mae Courtney, Mildred Crawford, Ashley Friday, Jack Friday, Ernestine Hatch, Gloria Headley, Mary Knight, our military, Nell Mims, Billie Neeley, Josh Pepper, Aubry Wallace and Shirley Wallace; revival in America.
See you Sunday!

Cedar Grove Methodist-Protestant Church
Sunday was such a beautiful day. It was cool, the sun was shining, and the smell of fall was in the air. It was a great day to be in the Lord’s house.
“Jesus is Coming Soon” and “Amazing Grace” were the songs to get our services started. Bro. Alton Russell led the singing in the absence of Bro. Steve. Gaining Ground were guests at a homecoming, and Bro. Steve and his son, Sam Price, are part of the group.
Happy birthday to Pam Jones and Missy Price. Happy anniversary to Gary and Amelia Hubbard.
We were blessed by the choir singing several songs and Sister Amelia singing the special for the morning.
Brother Jeff brought a good message entitled “Promise of Power,” and his text came from Luke 24:44-49 and Acts 1.
We had several to come to the altar for prayer, to be anointed and to be prayed for. Pray for Sister Ellen Scott; she is going to have more tests. Little Jacob Vines had to go to the hospital due to a bad cough, so keep him in your prayers — that is Brother Heath and Freda Vines’ baby. We have a very long prayer list, but God knows all about it (just mention Cedar Grove’s prayer list).
Next Sunday evening we are having a baptizing. Church starts at 5:30.
Sunday evening’s service began with the choir leading several songs. Jordan sang “Mighty to Save,” and Chris Cleckley sang “I Can Only Imagine.”
Brother Heath had to take the baby to the hospital Sunday evening, so Brother Jeff took over for him. His sermon came from Matthew 3:11 and Acts 2:1-4.
We had a wonderful day at Cedar Grove. We are growing with new people coming all the time.
“Tune In”
Tune in to the goodness that is round you everywhere. Tune in to the angel music that is in the air. Tune in to the song of joy that every morning brings. Tune in to the harmony of high and holy things. When life has lost its glow and nothing warms your weary heart — Turn away into the silence of a place apart. Listen, Wait — and you will hear the inner voice break through. Tune in to the power of prayer and let God speak to you.
–Patience Strong.

Bethsalem Baptist Church
Our morning service began with a baptism service for Jerry Jackson. We sang “Happy Birthday” and “Happy Anniversary” to all who had celebrations for the month of September.
The special music by the Celebration Choir was “Who Am I.”
Bro. Brad Eubank brought the morning message from Psalm 119, “He is My Source: The Resolve, The Request and The Result.”
For the evening service we observed our first Super Sunday Night Singing. Participating were our children’s choir, Keith Kelley, Miranda Hill, Jennie Mims, Vickie Knight, Emily Edwards, Cleve Mallory and Courtney Pierce.
Remember, Wednesday night is family supper at 5:30 followed by prayer meeting, choir practice and The Outlet for youth.
Pray for Tammy Littleton, Thomas Jackson, Ellis Reese, Linnie Hathcock, Lula Spigner, Nancy Deavers, Marie Smith, Elaine Hayes, Charles Bryant, Lera Price, Destiny Griffin, Eunice Mims, Emma Baker, Doris Reynolds, Ellie Grace Reese, Jay Mims, Glenda Mims, Hannah Vines, Ray Parrish, O.J. McGriff, Pettus Smith, W.L. Broome, William Jacks, Dora Pastirak and Joyce Smith.
Happy birthday this week to Miranda Hill, Dot Plyler, Ryan Mims, Undsey Burnett, Debbie Powell, Jeremy Blalock, Colt and Claine Crowe, Haley Williams, Jacob Wright, Thomas Shane Loyd, Megan Barrett, Blake Edwards, Courtney Little, Haley Hill and Darlene Rice.
Happy anniversary to Charles and Gladys Bryant, Mike and Sharion Williams, Scott and Christy Harmon, Stevie and Janice Gray, Randy and Santa Sims, Don and Vickie Knight and Earl and Janice Willis.
Next Sunday night is the Lord’s Supper.
Have a blessed week and tell someone about Jesus. God is so good.

Mt. Carmel Baptist Church No. 2
This morning was filled with the Spirit.  Bro. Lynn discussed finding God and God’s purpose for our lives.  We are always trying to fill a void in our lives, but the void will not be filled without God.
Starting in Acts 7:51, Bro Lynn was talking about Paul (who was once known as Saul) and the changes in his life.  Saul was a bitter man before he turned his life over to the Lord.  Saul witnessed the stoning of Stephen.  While being attacked, Stephen looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at God’s right side.  After seeing this, Saul headed towards Damascus and God spoke to him.  Saul was blinded for three days, after his eyes were opened again, he began preaching and saying, “Jesus is the Son of God.”  He was known as Paul from then on.
There were three major changes in the life of Paul.  First of all, he had a change of purpose. Paul went from trying to destroy the church to preaching and building churches.  Before you get saved, you serve yourself. Once saved you serve the Lord.  No one on earth finds personal satisfaction until they find God’s purpose for their life. The second change in Paul’s life was a change in nature.  God changed the way he reacted to situations and how he handled things.  We naturally look out for ourselves, but once we accept the love of Christ, we love more and helping others becomes part of our nature. The third and final change was the change in values.  Every person has a sense of value.  Some value money, objects, people, and other material things.  We are to value the things of God.

Samaria Baptist Church
Sunday was another wonderfully blessed day to worship at Samaria Baptist Church.  Our birthday was Don Fisher.  Our prayer concerns were Ray Hardee, Jeff Deavers, Todd Chambers, Terry and Frances Waites, Mike and Jennifer Hahn and a number of unspoken requests.  Our special music was presented by Carolyn Maddox who played a beautiful rendition of “On the Jericho Road.”  Our special singers were Kelsey Benson, and her Mom Michelle Ray.  Our scripture was taken from Romans 8 26-39.
Our message could have been entitled, “God doesn’t call the prepared, He prepares the called.”
Paul talks about hope through faith in Christ.  The Holy Spirit draws us to the Savior.  When we are born again, God will keep us to the end.  He will work through us, making us better as we surrender to Him.  Nobody can take away what God has given us.  We have to keep our hope in the Lord because this is the only way to make it through.
Our salvation exists because He chose us.  We must accept what He has already prepared for us to have.  We receive forgiveness when God gives it.  All we have to do is ask for it.
The Holy Spirit intercedes with groaning too deep for words.  We can’t put into words what our souls need.  He can understand even when we aren’t able to audibly ask Him.  Jesus lives in our hearts. He is always there.  He never leaves us nor forsakes us.  He can understand our hearts without words.
God orchestrates every event in our lives to the point of suffering.  He helps us to accomplish His desires for our lives.  We are justified in Christ.  We will be glorified in God’s time in eternity.  If you are born again, these things will be added unto you.
Eternal security means what it says.  He will keep us for all eternity.  No man can take us out of His hands.  We know that every aspect of our lives is in God’s hands.  We should feel saved, as God works out our ultimate blessings.  New bodies in heaven await us for all the wonders He has for us to enjoy.
Christ lives (Holy Spirit) to make intercession for us. Best of God is given to us.  God’s power supports us in our troubles; and as His children we are ministers of His good to each other.
Please join us for a wonderful worship experience at Samaria, and may God bless your week.

Floyd Baptist Church
This morning, Brother Dave and his family were with us in our morning service. They operate the Bridges of Faith Ministry at the old Fort Courage location off of County Road 24. They are rebuilding and upgrading the facility there and hope to be able to bring orphans from different locations to this facility for short visits where they will be able to not only give them a good time, but also be able to share with these children the love of God and tell them about salvation offered through Jesus Christ. Bridges of Faith also works with Bridgestone Ministry ministering to children around the world. As Bro. Dave brought out, we are to have a faith that works, and one way we are told to do this is to help those in need. I urge you to go by and see Bro. Dave and his family and find out how you can become involved in the ministry there — the rewards in heaven will be great!
Sunday night Bro. Mike brought us a message on “Encouragement” taken from several different scriptures. We should be encouraged daily, even though we live in dark times, because we are God’s people and He has promised to take care of us. Not only that, God’s word tells us that we have a place prepared in heaven if we accept Jesus as our Savior. God’s word also gives us strength, encouragement, comfort, and courage in the face of the enemy if we just use it.
On Oct. 10 will be having our Fall Festival at 3 p.m. so come and join us.
If you would like to learn more about our Angel Food Ministry and how you can save on your grocery bill, call us at 205-294-1577 for more information.
If you are looking for a God-loving, Bible-believing, Bible-teaching church where you will be loved, join us for Sunday School at 9:45 a.m., Discipleship Training at 5 p.m., worship at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. and Wednesday night Bible study and prayer at 7 p.m.



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