Local runs 300 miles in 30 days to raise funds

Steve Penley in front of Lomax Assembly of God, where he finished his 300 miles of running on Nov. 30.(Photo by Steven Calhoun)
Chilton County native Steve Penley ran 317 miles in one month to raise money for his church.
Penley ran at least 10 miles per day during the month of November as a fundraiser for Lomax Assembly of God’s new youth and children’s building. He ran the equivalent of 12 marathons in only 30 days, and he estimated about $5,000 would come in from sponsors of his run.
Along the way, Penley captured his progress via screenshots of his running app and posted them to Facebook. As the miles added up, a group who call themselves the Chilton County Runners were often by his side during his early morning runs.

Chilton County Runners Mona Sansom, Cecil Pavey, Rebecca Corley and Charlotte Harley with Steve Penley on a run.(Contributed)
“My wife, church body and the Chilton County Runners were some of my biggest supporters during the run,” Penley said. “The Max Center and the kids kept me motivated and running. It got me up and out in the cold and dark. That and the prayers.”
On Nov. 30, Penley ran an extra two miles down Highway 31 with his running buddies from Chilton County Runners and a police escort.
He finished his feat at the church in Lomax. A cheering crowd greeted him as he ran up the sidewalk and into the front doors.
According to Penley, his long journey consisted of 52 hours and 40 minutes of running, during which he burned 40,000 calories and averaged a pace of 9:58 per mile.
He said many people on his Golden Flake delivery route are still turning in money. With funds he has already raised, he and his wife have purchased two ping-pong tables for use in the new facility once it is finished.
Penley is still accepting donations towards the Max Center in support of his efforts. To donate, call Penley at 205-516-1840 or Lomax AG at 205-755-9587.