Princess Christmas Ballet coming to Jeff State

C.J.’s Dance Factory will perform the Princess Christmas Ballet on Dec. 10 at Jeff State.(Contributed)
Ballet students from across central Alabama will perform the Princess Christmas Ballet on Dec. 10 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. at the Jefferson State Conference and Performing Arts Center.
Special guest Jaycob Curlee will be there performing his new single, “Sleeping to Dream.” Curley was a semifinalist on season 9 of America’s Got Talent.
Tickets to the show are $12 general admission.
C.J.’s Dance Factory is run by C.J. Martin in Prattville. The seniors of Martin’s class will be the princesses of this year’s performance.
“They’re beautiful. They’ve all blossomed, and I thought ‘I need to do something princess-y,’” Martin said. “We have a wonderful cast. We are just elated about this.”
Martin said the characters will be familiar to the audience, and the music will be a mash-up of hits and some original compositions. She was excited when someone was able to find a prince for one of the princesses; Curlee was approached about performing in the production and agreed.
“He said, ‘Hey, I would love to,’” Martin said. “He is so talented. It’s going to be fabulous.”
Curlee’s song will be performed as part of the program and ties in nicely with the theme, according to Martin.
The money raised in the production will go towards the renovation of the theater in Prattville, which Martin envisions as a center for artistic expression in the area.
“Productions are so important for children to be a part of,” Martin said. “It teaches them that we all play a role and it teaches respect for others.”
Tickets will be available at the door for $12. For more information, search C.J.’s Dance Factory on Facebook or visit