Peach Pals Club holds cupcake-decorating class

(left to right) Lilly Speaks and Sam McCullough each work with fondant to make emoji cupcakes as part of the Peach Pals Club on Wednesday. (Photo by Anthony Richards)
Creativity and science were both on display during a cupcake decorating class held at the Chilton County Extension Office on Tuesday.
The class was part of the Peach Pals Club, an Alabama 4H initiative that is led by Joan McGriff and Pam Ousley.
Twelve kids attended the class and learned how to make fondant to decorate cupcakes with emojis of their choosing. Each child decorated two cupcakes during the allotted time period.
“A lot of them got really creative with their designs and even created their own emojis,” Regional Extension Agent Janice Hall said. “They really took it and ran with it.”
According to Hall, fondant is an elastic icing confection that is used to make different shapes.
“It helps the cakes look pretty,” Hall said.
The fondant used was made from marshmallows and powdered sugar.
“They learned a little bit of science behind it as well,” Hall said. “It was about more than just decorating cupcakes. They learned the concepts.”
Lilly Speaks made a bow for one of her cupcakes, which was an idea that just came to her during the class.
“It was fun to learn how to use fondant,” Speaks said. “I can’t wait to use it again.”
The class took their cupcakes home to show their family the result of their hard work.
“It’s amazing to see them come in having never worked with fondant before,” Hall said. “Their eyes light up when they finally see the finished product come alive.”