Local named Disabled Veteran of Year

Tim Haney, center, of Chilton County Chapter 33 of Disabled American Veterans was presented with the Disabled Veteran of the Year award for District 2, which includes Central Alabama. Haney was presented the award by Bob Pearl, second junior vice commander for Alabama DAV, and gave credit to Morris Price, chapter chaplain.
Tim Haney of Chilton County Chapter 33 of Disabled American Veterans on Monday was presented the organization’s Disabled Veteran of the Year Award for the Second District, which covers most of central Alabama.
Haney was presented the award by Bob Pearl, second junior vice commander for the Alabama division of DAV.
Pearl chose Haney from about 10 veterans; each chapter could nominate someone for Disabled Veteran of the Year.
“Ultimately, it’s my decision to decide who wins it for the district,” Pearl said. “This particular gentleman had been with his group for awhile, he did two tours in Vietnam as a combat arms soldier, he was the recipient of a Bronze Star.”
Pearl said the two criteria for the award are service to country and service to others after combat.
Chilton County DAV chapter Chaplain Morris Price said Haney was nominated because he has been a crucial member of the group.
“We feel like Tim has sacrificed a lot and done a lot of things he didn’t feel like doing sometimes, and we appreciate him,” Price said.
Haney was chosen at the Alabama DAV’s Mid-Winter Meeting.
Pearl stressed that DAV exists to help veterans get benefits they think are deserved.
“We’re trying to work ourselves out of a job,” Pearl said. “If the VA and the Army do right by their service members, there wouldn’t be a reason for us to exist.
“They’ve already been in a fight; we don’t need to fight them for what they’re entitled to.”