Column: M4A sponsors Annual Senior Picnic

Published 9:29 am Monday, May 6, 2024

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By Elisabeth Altamirano-Smith | Community Columnist

All senior citizens are invited to attend Middle Alabama Area Agency on Aging’s (M4A) Annual Senior Picnic on May 9 from 10 a.m.-noon at the Jemison Municipal Building. The free event is focused on providing entertainment and to “give back” to senior citizens within the community.

The picnic will be western themed, including a best-dressed competition. Free barbeque plates (by TinTop BBQ) and table-top games, such as Horse Shoes and Pinko, will be available.

Meal time will include entertainment as well as door prizes given away by vendors.

“We have this picnic every year for our older citizens,” said M4A Wellness Coordinator Breana Mahaffey. “May is our Older Americans Month, and this is a great way to honor and give back to them. This is something fun with enjoyment and a time to get together.”

M4A serves older individuals between Blount, Chilton, Shelby, St. Clair and Walker counties. M4A’s mission has grown to serve caregivers and people with disabilities, regardless of age and to help older individuals’ access information, assistance and resources that will empower them. M4A also offers a comprehensive screening for public benefits, assistance navigating Medicare or Medicaid, screening and enrolling in low-cost and free medication assistance and helps to prevent financial scams. Educational tables and vendors will be available at the event.

Jemison Municipal Building is located at 14 Padgett Lane, Jemison.

For more information, contact Breana Mahaffey at 205-670-5770.