History Day for Leadership Chilton explores county landmarks

Published 3:28 pm Monday, October 23, 2023

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By Carey Reeder | Managing Editor

The Alabama Cooperative Extension System’s Leadership Chilton held their History Day tour on Oct. 10. The tour started at Clanton City Hall with Clanton Councilman Billy Singleton holding a short presentation about the history of Chilton County.

From there, they visited Chestnut Creek Heritage Chapel in Verbena to learn about the history in the area, followed by Helen Jenkins Chapel in Thorsby where they learned about the history of the northern portion of the county in Thorsby and Jemison. The tour concluded its trip with a stop at the Old Southern Depot Museum in Maplesville, and First Methodist Church in Clanton.

“Everyone enjoyed the day and learned that to progress forward, we must know where we came from,” a press release from Brandy Childress, administrative support associate for Extension, said.

The press release issued a special thank you to Derric Scott of the Chilton County Historical Society and Singleton for organizing the tour.