Zoning use exceptions granted by Clanton board
Published 2:24 pm Wednesday, November 14, 2018
By JOYANNA LOVE/ Senior Staff Writer
The Clanton Zoning Board of Adjustments and Appeals unanimously approved two special exception use requests during a meeting on Nov. 14.
A special exception allows something that ordinarily would be prohibited by the zoning for a particular district to be allowed.
The first request was for a detached garage at 2703 Yellowleaf Road, which is zoned R-1 Single Family Residential.
The square footage of the detached garage when compared to the square footage of the house was a higher percentage than allowed in the zoning ordinance.
Frankie and Patricia Baker made the request to build a 1,800-square-foot garage. Their house is 4,000 square foot.
“It’s going to be at the back of the house, and it’s only going to make it look better,” Patricia baker said. “I mainly want it because I am making him put all his old cars and stuff in it to make it look better.”
Frankie Baker presented a sketch of the design.
He said the exterior would be vinyl siding, and the design would resemble a house.
“I tried to make it look like a house as much as I could, so it will look good,” Frankie Baker said.
While the land where the proposed garage will be built may look like a separate lot, it is actually a part of the same lot on which the Baker’s house sits.
“There is no restrictions that I can find anywhere in the (zoning) book that limits the number of storage buildings in the rear part of yard, and it is in the rear,” building inspector Gene Martin said.
The second request was for a manufactured home to be allowed to stay on 4099 Fourth Ave. N that is zoned agriculture. Manufactured homes are only allowed in the agriculture district as a special exception. Property owners Derrick and Kaela Moore said they were unaware of this when they bought the property. The couple said the plan was to build a house on the property in three to five years. The Clanton Zoning Board of Adjustments and Appeals approved allowing the mobile home to remain on the property for up to five years.
While the manufactured home is already on the property, the Moores are not living in it.
“They are going to run water to use,” Derrick Moore said. “They said the line had to come a little further.”
Extending the city water line will require an ALDOT permit to run the line in the state right-of-way along Highway 22.
A septic tank will also be installed on the property before the Moore’s move in.
The board expressed concern that where the mobile home sits is not a high enough slope.
“It probably doesn’t slope exactly to the standard, but there is no way water can get under it,” Derrick Moore answered.
The couple agreed to move the manufactured home when their house is built, no later than after five years from Nov. 14. The Moores will be signing an affidavit outlining this agreement.