Happy Birthday, Chilton County!

Published 5:05 pm Monday, October 15, 2018

By JOYANNA LOVE/ Senior Staff Writer

The long anticipated week is almost here. The celebration of the Chilton County Sesquicentennial, otherwise known as its 150th anniversary of being founded by Alfred Baker through his time in the State Legislature.

I won’t recount the full history here. We at The Clanton Advertiser have written plenty about it in the past few months and will during this monumental week.

If you have not gotten a copy of our Chilton County 150th magazine — “Our Heritage: Past, Present and Peaches,” copies are available at our office and will be available at the Goose Pond Gala.

This will be the climax of the celebration.

As we began working on stories and making plans of our own, learning to pronounce Sesquicentennial was a bit challenging. However, finding information about the county was not near as difficult as one might think. Regular columnist and community leader Billy Singleton was a good place to start. He provided valuable information for “Our Heritage: Past, Present and Peaches.” I think he was as excited to see the finished product as I was.

The 150th Committee, the Chilton County Historical Society, the Chilton Research and Extension Center, the Chilton/Clanton Public Library, our freelance staff, community leaders and students were also invaluable to putting the project together.

The 150th Committee and its partners have invested hours of hard work and passion into the various events that are planned this week. For a complete list with updated start times, see our “Chilton County celebrates 150th birthday” story in the Oct. 19 edition or our website clantonadvertiser.com.

A variety of fun and informative events have been planned, from lectures to car shows to Living History displays. There is something for everyone, so pick what you will enjoy and celebrate 150 years of Chilton County.