Removing condemned houses focus of CDBG grant application
Published 9:54 am Tuesday, July 10, 2018
By JOYANNA LOVE/ Senior Staff Writer
The Clanton City Council has chosen removing condemned houses as the focus for its Community Development Block Grant application.
Mayor Billy Joe Driver said the grant funds would be used to pay for a title search, test for asbestos and demolish the structures.
The CDBG grant would be for $213,750 with the local government contribution being $23,750 plus paying $18,000 in administrative fees.
“This would be for 25 dwellings,” Driver said. “We would have to take bids on them and do a title search and asbestos inspection.”
The City Council unanimously approved applying for the funds.
In a previous meeting, public comments had been sought for suggestions for a project. Council members had discussed possibilities with Clanton CDBG grant writer Louise Campbell.
Removing slum or blight structures is one of the focuses of the grant program.
CDBG funds must be used in a low to moderate income community for water or sewage improvements, housing rehabilitation and neighborhood revitalization.
The application process is competitive, and the deadline to apply is July 31.
Also during the July 9 meeting, the City Council approved paying $22,164 related to a Dodge pickup, $15,376 to Taylor Made for hauling garbage and $30,000 to the Clanton-Chilton Public Library as its quarterly contribution.