Cost of resurfacing roads continues to grow

Published 5:12 pm Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Terry Wilson came before the Chilton County Commission during its June 11 meeting to discuss road conditions and a possible storm shelter for the New Convert community.

Commission Chairman Allen Caton informed Wilson that there is no money available at this time to add another storm shelter.

It was a conclusion that Caton arrived at after talking with state officials and Chilton County EMA Director Derrick Wright.

However, the community is on the statewide list should things change in the future.

Wilson also brought forward concerns about the road conditions on County Road 380 where logging trucks have taken a toll on the road surface.

At the time there are no future projects planned for County Road 380 due to financial conditions.

The estimated cost of a resurfacing project is $433,000 per mile. That amount is roughly a $250,000 increase from what it cost four years ago.

“Our potholes are growing, but our funds are shrinking,” Caton said.

The Commission recently approved striping along County Road 380, which was completed about 6 months ago.

Certified Public Accountant Howie McNeill III was also part of the public comments portion of the meeting. He reviewed an audit of the Collins Chapel Fire Department.

The audit revealed that the fire department had a 2017 revenue of $92,000 and spent $95,000. However, a fundraiser brought in $15,000 for a net income of $12,300.

According to McNeill III, the audit reflects that the Collins Chapel Fire Department is doing what is expected of them with the money that the Commission gives to them. Knowing where every check goes is good quality control.

“It’s always important, no matter who’s in charge of the money, to know that somebody’s coming behind them to check,” McNeill III said.

In other news from the meeting:

  • The Commission accepted the resignation of Skylar Hegwood effective May 21.
  • The Commission approved the request of County Engineer Tony Wearren to advertise and hire a truck driver to replace Hegwood.
  • The Commission approved a resolution to open up discussion between Wearren and the school board about the speed bumps in front of Isabella High School.
  • The Commission approved a line item transfer of $9,395.85 from the Sheriff’s discretionary fund.
  • A wage adjustment was approved for Justin Waylon Smitherman with the Sheriff’s Office. He recently graduated from the academy and is going from corrections officer to deputy pay.
  • A line item transfer of $328.16 was approved from other miscellaneous supplies to repair and maintenance of motor vehicles.
  • A budget amendment was approved to increase revenue and expenditure for poll pad equipment and software by $22,210.
  • The Commission accepted the resignation of Denise Hafer effective May 15.
  • Denise Hafer was removed from all county banking accounts and Sylvia Singleton was added to all county banking accounts.
  • The Commission approved an agreement with the Town of Maplesville in connection with repairs to County Road 10. According to the agreement, Maplesville will reimburse the Commission 20 percent during a future project of putting in a new pipe along the route. There is no time frame on when the project will take place.
  • The Commission approved the minutes from the May 14 meeting.
  • The Commission approved to pay its bills.