Camp 1:27 announces summer theme

Published 3:16 pm Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Camp 1:27 of Raleigh’s Place has announced its summer 2018 theme: This Changes Everything.

“The big idea is that the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ can transform anything. It can transform your life, it can transform a society … and it already has, and it continues to do so today,” Camp Director Mike King said.

Camp 1:27 is a free summer camp for foster children, founded and run by foster care nonprofit Raleigh’s Place, located near Lake Mitchell in Clanton.

This summer, King said campers will use a Birmingham-based YM360 curriculum to explore transformed lives of the parabolic prodigal son and various New Testament figures.

“And then we’re gong to look at also how the Gospel overall transforms things — how it redeems us, how it renews us and how it makes us new creations in Christ,” King said. “I think it would be a great theme for our campers, who obviously need some redemption, need some newness in their life. So, I hope it resonates. I hope it works well.”

Camp 1:27 was established to heed and exemplify James 1:27 in the Holy Bible, which states, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

Now in its seventh year, Camp 1:27 is expecting more than 200 campers this summer.

Camp 1:27 has two primary goals for each of its four weeks of camp.

“First, we want every single camper to leave with the knowledge and experience of Christ’s love,” a recent newsletter by the organization reads. “Our second goal is to give campers the best week of their life.”

Camps will be one week each throughout the month of June.

Camp 1:27 is seeking two more male counselors. The organization requests that any interested “spiritually mature, college-age young man” apply online and submit a pastor’s recommendation for the position.

For more information about Raleigh’s Place, visit its Facebook page or go to