Pair of board members approved

Published 5:46 pm Wednesday, April 11, 2018

There were several nominations and approvals of members for various boards during the April 9 Chilton County Commission meeting.

Commissioner Jimmie Hardee kicked off the night’s nominations with Billy Singleton for the Sheriff’s Office Merit Board.

It was only the first meeting that nominations had begun to be accepted for the merit board after the commission approved to reopen the nomination process earlier in the meeting.

According to chairman Allen Caton, the merit board was initially voted on by the residents of Chilton County in 2002, but no sheriff chose to implement it until Sheriff John Shearon took over in 2015.

The board offers for a process in place that Sheriff’s Office employees can go through to state their case in the event of a possible termination without proper cause.

However, nominations that were approved included Robin Cobb with the M4A Board and Commissioner Matt Mims to fill a vacancy on the Chilton/Shelby Mental Health Board.

Cobb and Mims were both nominated by Hardee.

The search for nominations to fill the vacancy on the M4A Board had been ongoing for several months since Red Turnipseed’s resignation.

A vacancy on the Chilton/Shelby Mental Health Board became available after the commission approved Joy Traywick’s resignation.

Due to Mims’ position as a commissioner, he was able to be nominated and approved on the same night.

In other news from the meeting:

  • The commission approved a county engineer Tony Wearren’s request for a budget transfer and a resolution to purchase a used zipper machine for about $14,500 for repair and patching of roads.
  • The commission approved a resolution to purchase electronic pole pads to be used in the election process. The state will pay for the entire cost of the pole pads.
  • The commission approved a bid to have the courthouse parking lot paved for an estimated $36,000, which will come from the capital improvement fund. Commissioner Joe Headley opposed accepting the bid. The county will do the striping on the lot.
  • The commission approved Shearon’s request to have Joshua Henson and Tyler Hayes reclassified as full-time corrections officers at the jail.
  • The commission approved a pay adjustment for deputy Jeff Brown after he completed his probation period.
  • The commission approved a resolution to accept American Fidelity as the county’s representative for supplemental insurance. The change will take place at the start of the county’s fiscal year on Oct. 1.
  • The commission approved a three-year lease for the Red Cross to continue using its current building for office space.
  • Nicholas Barfield was approved to fill a maintenance position with the county.
  • The commission approved two employees that would like to donate time to an employee at the road department.
  • A resolution was approved for a budget amendment to add the SSUT revenue from last year into the budget. The commission approved a budget amendment of $119,528.11 in the budget for 2017-2018 in order to move $20,000 needed to pay for the purchase of new patrol vehicles for the Sheriff’s Office.
  • The commission approved the minutes from the March 26 meeting.

•The commission approved to pay its bills.