Storms prove need for weather preparedness plan

Published 3:56 pm Friday, March 23, 2018

By J.R. Tidwell / Editor

The state of Alabama was hit by multiple tornadoes March 19. Thanks to the work of meteorologists like James Spann in the Birmingham market state residents had plenty of warning that the weather that day could be severe.

Spann made a post on social media recently that showed a message to him from someone complaining how weather coverage pre-empted his night of television watching even though that person lived in an area unaffected by the weather.

Giving up one night of television viewing across a handful of channels is a small price to pay in order for meteorologists to do their jobs and warn people who are in the path of severe weather to take shelter and otherwise plan accordingly.

After all, there were indeed many people who were in harms way during the weather event on March 19. Russellville, Cullman and Jacksonville were among the areas that sustained damage. It is likely residents in those cities were more than happy to have meteorologists like Spann giving live updates on television. Those updates help keep people safe.

This event also highlights the need for a weather preparedness plan. If you have one in place with your family, it would not hurt to go over it once again now that the spring severe weather season is upon us.

If you do not have a severe weather preparedness plan, it is probably a good idea to create one and make sure you and your family members are all familiar with its steps.

Some tips for making a severe weather preparedness plan are available online at

That website has information and tips relating to other types of emergency situations as well.