5th Friday thrift sales benefit United Way

Published 2:44 pm Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Chilton County United Way hosts a sale each fifth Friday throughout the calendar year, all proceeds benefitting the nonprofit organization and its agencies.

The sales offer thrift store prices for items collected by or donated to Chilton County United Way, including clothes, furniture, knick-knacks, books and more.

“The proceeds from this sale will go to reaching our goal of $175,000 for this year, 2018, and part of that money is dispersed out to the 21 agencies here in Chilton County that we support,” Campaign Coordinator Carol Fortuna said.

Upcoming fifth Fridays include March 30, June 29, Aug. 31 and Nov. 30.

Participants can purchase items at Chilton County United Way, located at [location] and from the Chilton County Emergency Assistance thrift store located behind the building.

“Make sure you come out on a fifth Friday because there usually will be more things here for sale, so you’re going to have a bigger variety,” Fortuna said.

Participants interested in donating items for the sales can call the United Way office at (205) 755-5875. United Way requests donations be made no later than five days prior to the sales, in order to allow time for pricing the items.

“It’s nice to have fresh, new items come in just for the fifth Friday,” Fortuna said. “We are encouraging everybody to donate for the fifth Friday … and we really want people to come out and support [United Way].”

For more information about the nonprofit organization, visit the United Way of Chilton County Facebook page.