Thorsby to brighten up streets

Published 4:58 pm Wednesday, March 7, 2018

LED lights will soon be lighting up a large portion of Thorsby streets after the town’s council approved an option to have Alabama Power install 261 light fixtures during its March 5 meeting.

The upgrade project will raise the town’s monthly cost $17.21, which the council agreed is a good deal for the improvements that Thorsby will receive.

The council members had heard from a representative from Alabama Power’s street light division at the previous meeting on Feb. 19.

Mayor Robert Hight also gave an update on the town’s storm shelter situation. Hight informed the council that he had received an email asking if the deadline for the shelter’s construction could be extended to May 1.

According to Hight, the reasons he was given for the extension was that the company was still bouncing back from being hit hard by the flu and the recent inclement weather.

The council approved pushing back the storm shelter deadline.

In other news from the meeting:

  • The Town of Thorsby worked out an engineering agreement with The Cassidy Company to handle the engineering specifications and the process of putting out the bid in the demolition of the old school building.
  • The process of extending the water line along Indiana Avenue is ongoing. The council approved to bore under the road as a cheaper alternative to cutting driveways.
  • The Thorsby public works department received two new trucks. Director Terry Jackson thanked the council for their efforts in getting the trucks.
  • An executive session was called to end the meeting to discuss a possible situation with a town employee.
  • The minutes were approved from the Feb. 19 council meeting.
  • It was approved to pay the bills and transfer the funds.