Community supports Mustang Feast

Published 5:04 pm Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The 23rd annual Mustang Feast took place on March 3 to benefit the athletic programs at Isabella High School.

It was hosted by the Isabella Athletic Club and is the school’s top athletic fundraiser each year.

Proceeds from the event do not focus on one sport, but instead are designed to help cover the needs of every sport that Isabella offers.

“The money raised touches every team and every student,” Athletic Director Tate Leonard said.

About 360 tickets were sold, which remained steady with the attendance figures from a year ago.

“It’s really overwhelming, because it’s not just Isabella people that are here but some from all over the county,” booster club president Buddy Baker said. “It’s a great community.”

According to Baker, alumni from surrounding states even make the trip to take part in the Mustang Feast. Many of those who cannot make it still send check donations as a continued sign of support.

The crowd in attendance was updated on the latest pertaining to the school’s eventual goal of building an all-purpose athletic facility.

There were plenty of all-you-can-eat options to choose from on the food bar at the Mustang Feast. (Photo by Anthony Richards)

According to Baker, the Isabella Athletic Club has raised roughly $65,000 over the past four years as part of a building fund to help the facility become a reality one day.

“We’re sitting in pretty good shape to get it started,” Baker said. “Our programs are growing, and we saw the need.”

The construction of a facility will not only benefit the athletic programs at Isabella, but would also most likely be used to hold physical education classes.

“We believe in our strength and conditioning program,” Leonard said. “We have a lot of kids that come through our weight room. We’re grateful for what we’ve got, but it’s always good to have vision and seek that out.”

Over 200 students currently take part in the weight room program on a weekly basis.

All the food was prepared or provided by parents and athletic club boosters.

Ticket holders were treated to an array of all-you-can-eat food, such as steaks, fried fish, shrimp and multiple sides to go with a large selection of desserts.