Bingham to run for BOE

Published 8:45 am Wednesday, February 28, 2018

From Staff Reports

Chanel Bingham has announced her candidacy for the Chilton County Board of Education in the June 5 primary election.

“I believe it’s time to rebuild the foundation of our public school system,” said Bingham. “Current research shows that a strong School-Family-Community partnership drives school improvement and promotes the overall success of students. With this in mind, I believe it is of the utmost importance that all parties collaborate together to educate both the mind and heart of a child.”

One of Bingham’s goals is to create a safe and supportive learning environment for all students. “A strong public school system will provide students with the knowledge and tools they need to establish a fulfilling and meaningful life, become responsible citizens of their community and world, and compete in a rapidly changing and challenging global economy,” she said.

As part of her platform, Bingham points to research that supports the importance of family involvement in the success of students.

“Decades of research indicate that increased family involvement is a critical factor in achieving a superior education and a safe, disciplined learning environment,” she explained. “A higher quality of education is attained when strong families incorporate their structure, values, and moral compass into the education process. It is my goal to create a supportive and collaborative atmosphere where families feel welcomed and valued.”

Bingham shares that community resources are also an important component in strengthening schools, families and student learning.

“Research has shown linking community activities to the classroom can improve school-related behaviors, positively impact academic achievement, and reduce suspension rates,” Bingham stated. “Research has also shown that quality education has marked benefits for entire communities. Good public schools provide the foundation for a strong, educated workforce, help attract the skillful people needed to run our businesses, education systems, and nonprofits, attract and retain top-notch employers who will provide well-paying jobs, and much more. It is my goal to build a trusting and productive partnership between our schools and community.”

Bingham believes it’s important to prepare children to be leaders in their schools, families, and community.

“In preparing to lead, one must first examine the heart, because the most important leadership role anyone ever has is the governing of his/her own life in a productive manner,” she said. “This is why I have built much of my platform around Character Education in the public school system. You see, skills are vitally important, but it is the character and integrity of the human heart that shapes and molds the use of one’s skills and guides them as to whether they will choose to use their skills in a productive or destructive manner. In the Book of Psalms, it is said that King David ‘shepherded Israel according to the integrity of his heart, and guided them by the skillfulness of his hands.’”

Bingham states she will work to secure maximum funding provided by the Department of Education to support the development of character education in the public school system.

“We know that tomorrow’s leaders are being prepared today, and we want to raise up our leaders to govern with character and integrity.”

Visit to learn more about Bingham’s platform, experience, and heart for the public school system. You can also join her on Facebook at Vote Chanel Bingham for Board of Education.