CES students take musical field trip
Published 3:31 pm Monday, February 26, 2018
- Stephen Fite performs a musical routine for CES students at the Clanton Conference and Performing Arts Center on Feb. 23. (Photo by Anthony Richards)
Every class at Clanton Elementary School took part in a musical field trip on Feb. 23, and did not even have to leave Chilton County to experience it.
Students from pre-k to second grade attended an educational concert at the Clanton Conference and Performing Arts Center that was performed by Stephen Fite of Melody House.
The theme of the concert was “Superheroes of Knowledge,” and involved Fite singing and dancing to an array of educational and character-building topics.
Fite’s checklist of subjects covered during the routine included physical education, science, music/movement, Spanish, super senses, math, manners and reading.
According to CES principal Rebecca Threlkeld, the field trip was very convenient and cost effective due to the nearby location and the help offered from the Chilton County Schools Transportation Department.
“Jeff State was gracious enough to allow us to use the space,” Threlkeld said.
The department’s shop staff helped shuttle the students back and forth from the school to the concert.
Two shows took place. Pre-k and kindergarten students viewed the first one, while first and second graders viewed the second show.
Superintendent Tommy Glasscock and other members of the central office were in attendance during the first showing.
According to Threlkeld, it was important to see the show of support from the community and the school system.
It was the first time that the concert had been offered as an initiative at CES.
“It was a unique opportunity for our kids to have in their home town,” Threlkeld said.
CES has certified art and music teachers as part of its faculty, which leads to continued ways that the school is looking to promote those fields outside of the classroom setting.
It was the first time that some students had ever been in a fine arts theater or experienced a concert.
“Watching them singing, dancing and enjoying the music is what I took away from it,” Threlkeld said. “It was a great thing to see them having fun while still learning.”