Cleckler running for probate judge

Published 3:30 pm Friday, February 23, 2018

From staff reports

Rex Cleckler of Clanton is running for the office of probate judge in the June 5 Republican primary.

“I love to help people,” he said. “I have spent my entire life in careers that have allowed me to help people. I feel that the office of probate judge would allow me to continue to help the people of Chilton County.

“This office requires decisions that deeply affect the lives of families in our community. As probate judge, I will handle each issue with careful consideration and fairness for all.

Cleckler has previously been the Chilton County tax assessor, and he has also spent time in law enforcement. As such, he says he is a “proven public servant.”

“I know that this office has some big shoes to fill, but my history of service as peace officer and our county’s last tax assessor has prepared me to be able to excel as your next probate judge,” he said.

“I believe my service as a law enforcement officer and dealing with families during their most difficult moments have prepared me to serve as probate judge.

“I am proud to be born and raised in Chilton County, and I would like to continue to serve and protect your interests as the next probate judge.”