Wallace announces bid for probate judge

Published 10:03 am Monday, February 5, 2018

By JOYANNA LOVE/ Senior Staff Writer

Kurt Wallace of Maplesville is running for the position of Chilton County Probate Judge.

“Probate Judge is a position that touches everyone in the county,” Wallace said.

He said the probate judge handles probate for wills, mediation of family members when there is not a will, adoptions and committals to mental institutions.

Wallace said there are many grandparents who are adopting their grandchildren because their parents are abusing drugs.

“It is a position that needs somebody with a very compassionate heart,” Wallace said. “I have raised three children of my own, and I have six grandchildren.”

Wallace said he is nearing the end of his career and is looking for a way to give back to the community.

“I am a man of deep faith and conviction,” Wallace said. “I just think when you are making decisions like taking children away from their parents, you better have somebody in that job that really cares about them, and I think I do.”

In considering running for the position, Wallace talked with the current judge about the position and what it entails.

“Things he said to me really convinced me that I did want to seek the position,” Wallace said.

He said he hopes to offer “compassionate leadership through the position if elected. He said he knows it would be a stressful job, but feels he is up to the challenge.

Wallace is a former mayor of Maplesville, former town council member and former District 42 state representative.

“I have a lot of friends and contacts in state government that may help me find resources for the county,” Wallace said.

He also served in the U.S. Air Force as a security specialist.

Wallace manages a truck fleet.

The position of probate judge does not require any specific career background or training. The only requirement is to pay the qualifying fee to register as a candidate.

The current judge is ineligible to run for reelection because of his age.