CCS brings policies up-to-date

Published 10:25 am Wednesday, January 24, 2018

By JOYANNA LOVE/ Senior Staff Writer

A change to the Chilton County Board of Education’s policy was adopted on Jan. 23 to bring the school system up-to-date with state requirements.

The school system’s last audit showed that the requirements of the Truth in Salary Act, Alabama Student Religious Liberties Act and Erin’s Law had not been implemented as of June 24, 2017. Erin’s Law and Alabama Student Religious Liberties Act had been adopted and implemented between the June date and the release of the audit.

However, Truth in Salary Act had not.

Adding it to policy was adopted with a 4 to 2 vote. Board members Joe Mims, Keith Moore and Jim Shannon, along with Board President Lori Patterson voted in favor. Board members Pam Price and Linda Hand voted against. Board member Curtis Smith was absent for medical reasons.

“We have a pay scale for our lunch room ladies that if you are an assistant manager, your pay is lower than a regular employee,” Price said.

Board President Lori Patterson said issues dealing with the salary schedule could be discussed at a later time, but did not have an impact on adopting the policy.

Chief School Finance Officer LaVerne Williams said changes can be made to the salary schedule or pay scale at a later date. Any retroactive payments could only go back one year per board policy.

“If we were going to make a change to the pay scale, that would need to come as a recommendation from the superintendent,” Mims said.

Superintendent Tommy Glasscock suggested a work session on the Child Nutrition Program salaries for further discussion by the board to determine if any changes needed to be made.

According to the Alabama Legislative Services Agency website, the Alabama Truth in Salary Act “requires state and local boards of education to provide an itemized statement of all benefits received or accrued by the employee or retiree.”

Also during the meeting:

— Glasscock updated the board on projects around the district. He said the Isabella High School field house feasibility study had been completed and bids were being accepted for the project. At Thorsby High School, a parking lot project has been expanded to correct issues behind the cafeteria. Renovations to the locker rooms at Verbena High School have been completed, and a field house/ multi-purpose building for the school is being discussed.

— The board accepted the resignation of three teachers and hired two teachers. Bethany Hilyer was hired, pending the completion of her certification, to teach at Thorsby High School. Lacy Simmons was hired to teach at Isabella High School.

—The board reviewed setting a uniform range for bus driver pay for extracurricular events across the district. Moore expressed concern that setting a range may price schools out of a driver if they cannot afford to or drivers that had been paid more would no longer be interested. The item was withdrawn from the agenda.