Master Gardeners Christmas Tour tickets on sale
Published 8:30 am Wednesday, November 22, 2017
- Lee Walters volunteers during a previous Master Gardeners Christmas Tour. (Contributed)
By JOYANNA LOVE/ Senior Staff Writer
The Chilton County Master Gardeners are decking the halls with more than boughs of holly and inviting the community to come tour the homes where they have added a touch of fresh greenery.
The Christmas Home Tour will be on Dec. 10, starting at 1 p.m. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 the day of the event. The event serves as a fundraiser for Master Gardeners.
The tour will include the homes of Junior and Sue Cleckler, Joseph and Jodie Parnell, Charles and Jackie White as well as Bill and Michele Thomas. Tickets are available at the Chilton County Extension Office, 504 First Avenue in Clanton, or from any Master Gardener.
“They will come out ahead of time, and they will add fresh greenery as much or as little as you want,” Michele Thomas said.
Sue Cleckler and Thomas both said it will be their first year having their homes as a part of the tour.
Cleckler said she had gone on the tour a previous year and enjoyed it. The Master Gardeners will be adding greenery to her formal dining room and coffee tables.
Thomas, who has been a Master Gardener, said a friend saw her Christmas village last year and asked her if she would participate in the tour this year.
“I love decorating … I learned a long time ago that I enjoy it. I don’t do it for anybody else, and if no one else saw it, I’m still going to decorate,” Thomas said.
The Christmas village features several items that Thomas made herself. One of the Christmas houses has a garden in front that she created.
“I love it … I put one little boy, and he’s waving to his friend,” Thomas said.
She said details like this “makes it come alive.”
The village display started 10 years ago with two pieces. Thomas added a park around the structures to expand the scene. The display has continued to grow and expand over the years.
Thomas said she is looking forward to showing her decorations to others.
“I just hope other people get as much enjoyment out of it as I do,” Thomas said.
Her upstairs Christmas tree has a whimsical theme.
“Because December is a bit dreary and it’s cold outside, decorating makes it happy and be cheery, and I think that’s why I love it so much,” Thomas said.
Cleckler said a friend “coaxed me into doing more than one tree,” and her decorating just went from there.
“I just love Christmas,” Cleckler said.
Now she has a Christmas tree in every room in her house. She prefers artificial trees.
“I just enjoy decorating,” Cleckler said.
She started putting in her Christmas decorations in October in order to be ready in time for the tour.
Directions for the tour will be provided on the back of the tickets.