New Life church to live stream Smart Money

Published 10:58 am Friday, October 27, 2017


New Life Community Church is live streaming author and speaker Dave Ramsey’s “Smart Money Seminar” on Nov. 7 from 7 to 10 p.m.

Admission to the church’s live stream is free.
Ramsey and his daughter Rachel Cruze will lead the seminar from Phoenix, Arizona.

“I’m sold on Dave Ramsey’s Solutions and his company,” New life Community Church elder Alan Childress said. “They’re just incredible, biblical principles for handling money, which helps Christians live a better life.”

The seminar can be live-streamed from home, but for a cost of about $25, Childress said.

“If they want it free, then they can come to New Life that night, and we will have it up on the big screen,” Childress said, “and we’ll have coffee and probably some snacks over those three hours, and it won’t cost them anything but their time.”

Because of the lateness of the hour, childcare will not be provided, Childress said.

Alan Childress and his wife Lesia Childress lead a nine-week program called Financial Peace University, which uses Ramsey’s teachings for handling finances.

“Most of the concepts and principles that are covered in Financial Peace University will be covered in this three hours,” Alan Childress said of the live stream. “So if you can’t commit to nine weeks, maybe you can commit to three hours.”

Childress said he and his wife teach Financial Peace University twice a year, driven by their passion to help families.

“The family was the first institution God created, so unless the family’s intact, then most people’s lives are in disarray,” he said.

“The number one reason for divorce is financial,” Childress said, explaining that it is not the finances as much as the communication between couples about their finances that can be harmful to marriage.

“That’s an example of one of some of the principles that will be taught that night — is how to communicate over money,” Childress said. “We all have struggles with money.”

Other principles explored will be freedom from debt, the psychology behind marketing techniques, selecting insurance and more.

“There’s a lot of things that are impacting our lives through money, and the Bible has a lot of things to say about handling that,” Childress said.

Childress said if anyone leaves the seminar having been helped by the teaching, “We will have accomplished a little bit.”

New Life Community Church is located at 1618 Seventh Street North in Clanton.