New Life Church drama team to perform at See You At The Pole

Published 5:57 pm Tuesday, September 26, 2017


New Life Community Church is leading See You at the Pole at Clanton Middle School on Sept. 27 at 7:15 a.m., and for a special touch to this year’s school prayer event, the church drama team will perform during the ceremony.

SYATP is a student-led ceremony for Christian prayer and worship recognized each year by students at schools across the globe.

During the time of prayer, students gather at school flagpoles, “praying basically for their school, friends, community — and it’s that one time a year where global unity in Christ is taking place,” New Life Community Church representative Tara Littleton said.

Led by Amanda Giles, the SYATP drama performance will feature several representatives of the church’s 3 Strands Drama.

Giles has led 3 Strands Drama through hours of practice each week, Littleton said.

Littleton said 3 Strands Drama consists of 7th through 12th grade students representing various schools in the county.

For SYATP, the church wanted to provide “a story being told by music,” Littleton said.

“People connect with music — students and kids, they connect with music,” Littleton said. “So, this is a way to reach those and hopefully encourage those students in a different way, not just opening a Bible, [but] actually meeting them at their level.”

New Life Community Church thanks Clanton Middle School for allowing the church to lead and perform at this year’s SYATP.

“What we hope to see out of it,” Littleton said, “is students drawing close to each other and also drawing closer to Christ.”