Maplesville Council approves budget
Published 4:14 pm Wednesday, September 20, 2017
By JOYANNA LOVE/Senior Staff Writer
Revenue for the town of Maplesville is expected to increase in the 2018 fiscal year.
The Maplesville Town Council unanimously approved the 2018 fiscal year budget on Sept. 18 with an expected revenue increase of $155,000 during a special called meeting on Monday. Council members Sheila Hall and Hal Harrison were absent.
Total revenues are expected to be a little more than $1.23 million. Projections expect increases in sales tax ad valorem tax and especially the alcohol tax.
Maplesville received $2,000 in alcohol tax in the 2017 fiscal year and is projecting to receive $13,500 in the 2018 fiscal year, according to the 2018 budget.
Total expenditures in the budget come to a little more than $1.17 million. This includes $98,000 for salaries out of the general fund. The police department budget is $332,000. The fire department budget is $46,000
Major changes to the budget include $300,000 for road upgrades and paving, increasing the American Cancer Society Relay for Life donation to $2,500 and increasing funding for the annual fireworks show to $1,000.
The $300,000 for roads was transferred from the town’s general fund account to the capital expenditures for roads line item, according to town clerk Dawn Smitherman.