Maplesville Council approves tax abatement

Published 3:35 pm Thursday, August 17, 2017

By JOYANNA LOVE/ Senior Staff Writer

The Maplesville Town Council unanimously approved a tax abatement for West Fraser based on an expansion at the mill during a meeting on Aug. 14.

The abatement is a 10-year agreement with the amount being decreased over that time based on depreciation. Based on the agreement, $24.6 million will be abated in town, state and county taxes in the first year. This means the company will not be required to pay the sales, use or property taxes on the expansion. Van Forrester with the Industrial Development Board said the company will still pay the portion for education of these taxes.

“They are expanding,” Forrester said. “It (the abatement) is also to help with retention of jobs and to make them more competitive in the market.”

Forrester said tax abatements give a company an incentive to stay in the area.

The mill hopes to have the expansion complete by the end of the year.

When Forrester addressed the Maplesville Town Council, he also requested funds for the Industrial Development Board to hire an employee to serve as a liaison to businesses in the community. The council approved $1,999.75 per year.

Budget discussions have begun as council members were given a copy of last year’s budget to look over for potential changes. Suggested changes will be discussed at the Sept. 18 meeting. A second meeting will be scheduled in September to approve the budget. Both meetings are open to the public.

The council also approved:

— Hiring Brandon Warren as a full-time police officer.

— One-year raises for Assistant Police Chief Keith Crosby and street department employee Brian Beckham.

— Six month raise for JoAnn Ratliff.