Jemison Intermediate: new year, new school

Published 2:38 pm Monday, August 7, 2017


Jemison Intermediate School is kicking off its first-ever school year Aug. 9.

An orientation initiated take-off for about 190 students and their parents on Aug. 4, Principal DJ Nix said.

“It’s kind of a reopening,” Technology Coordinator Tracy Johns said. “It was their first time to see the school as Jemison Intermediate School.”

During orientation, Superintendent Tommy Glasscock addressed students and parents about the new school year and new programs in store for Jemison Intermediate, Nix said.

Glasscock especially addressed parents of fourth graders, who are entirely new to both the building and school.

“It was their first time ever,” Nix said.

Nix said the establishment of Jemison Intermediate School has been in the making since October 2016.

The building’s refurbishing for accommodating its fourth through sixth graders extends beyond repainting and repairs.

The finished product will include a new playground, a partnered, donated brick Wall of Tribute with Jemison Elementary school and an outdoor classroom through the Alabama Wildlife Federation.

The school is also adopting several national programs aimed at enhancing the student learning experience.

These programs are Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Initiative, headed by coordinator and teacher Brittany Thomas, and 4-H, a hands-on learning program headed at the school by Gifted Specialist Rachel Mims.

Mims will also oversee the outdoor classroom, which she said will be accessible to all students, although gifted students will “take the lead.”

“We’re very excited about the new changes,” Johns said. Johns said that even though the building has been around for about 11 years, “it’s a whole new beginning” for Jemison Intermediate.