Students create colorful chalk art

Published 2:25 pm Tuesday, April 25, 2017

By JOYANNA LOVE/Senior Staff Writer

Students in Sue Ann Hoyt’s Art Appreciation class at the Jefferson State Community College Chilton County campus enjoyed a break from usual lectures to create sidewalk art on April 25.

Hoyt said it was the second year her students had participated in the project.

“They sit in class all the time, so they don’t really get to do any art,” Hoyt said.

She said students enjoyed the chance to get out of the classroom and create something.

The only requirement for the project was students base their sidewalk chalk on “an image that they like and work from that,” Hoyt said.

Line and shape, positive and negative space are introduced in the class, but the main focus is art history.

Freshman Tabatha McElroy had done a rough sketch on paper of what she wanted to do, and enlarge the design on the sidewalk.

“It’s a tribute to my dad,” McElroy said.

Her piece featured three hills with crosses with an American Flag background. She said she outlined the hills and crosses in black chalk to make them stand out.

McElroy’s father had served in the U.S. Army.

“He was at basic training again and his heart exploded,” McElroy said.

Student Ashlyn Burke patterned her design after her mother’s tattoo.

“I enjoy coloring with chalk. I haven’t gotten to in years. It’s nice to be a kid for a little bit before I have to study for finals,” Burke said.

Freshman Sam Chism chose to feature a heart to highlight his Christian faith, and belief that love is the answer to every problem.

“Doing this now, really symbolizes who I am as a person,” Chism said. “Love is really the answer for everything no matter what people have done to you … it will drive you forward to your next goals.”

He said he had taken the class thinking it would be about creating art, so he was excited about the project.

Freshman Alex Driskill also drew from his personal interested for the project, drawing a cross for one square and a baseball in flight for the other.

“I’ve grown up in church my whole life, and baseball has been my favorite sport,” Driskill said.  “I’m blessed that God gave me the ability to play baseball and I always try to glorify him in baseball.”

He said he enjoyed learning about the cultural influence of art during the class.

Kaleigh Boyer worked with a group of students on balloons and a Disney’s “Up.”

“I had the idea of putting the house at the bottom to make the balloons at the top look big,” Boyer said.

She said she enjoyed “the freedom of being able to express what you want to.”