CCHS asks for help funding athletic director position

Published 11:40 am Tuesday, March 14, 2017

By JOYANNA LOVE/Senior Staff Writer

CLANTON — Chilton County High School asked the Clanton City Council for help in securing a new athletic director during the board’s meeting on March 13.

CCHS principal Dr. Cynthia Stewart asked the council to consider increasing the funding it gives for a supplement for the position.

The athletic director supplement is $2,000 with a portion funded by the city. The remaining amount is covered by the Chilton County Board of Education.

“We are just not in a competitive situation financially,” Stewart said.

Stewart said a small increase for the athletic director position had been approved by the school board, but the supplemental pay was still lower than other school CCHS’ size in nearby counties. In some school systems, the supplement is $10,000. She said she could provide her salary comparisons to the council for consideration in making a decision.

Council member Sammie Wilson made a motion “to table this until we can get further council on this.”

Stewart thanked the council for the support that they have already given to the school.

“I appreciate what is being done currently for our athletic director at Chilton County High School,” Stewart said.

She also touted the program for consistency, saying the athletic program never had a paperwork violation under the previous athletic director.

“Chilton County High School is Clanton’s High School. It is the largest high school in this county … We have more sports and more athletes than any other school in the county,” Stewart said. “We have the only pre-AP courses in the county.”

Sports at CCHS have also grown in the sports offered and the number of students participating in recent years.

Interviews for the athletic director position have begun, and are expected to be complete this week.

“We have some great applicants. Some applicants that we are hoping will want to come to Chilton County,” Stewart said.

The board of education will consider a recommendation from the school at its March 21 meeting.

Also during the meeting:

— Mayor Billy Joe Driver announced that Days Inn has applied for a liquor license and gave a time for public comments. None were made. Granting the license will be considered in two weeks.

— Bernethia Childers asked that Second Avenue in the West End Community be restriped because the yellow lines were never painted when the road was resurfaced.

— West End Neighborhood Watch president Jackie Baker asked the council to meet with leaders of the West End Community to discuss ways to address neighborhood concerns. A specific date for the meeting was not set.

“We just want to do something to uplift our community,” Baker said.

Baker said progress had been good, but seemed to have slowed since August.