Gardens celebrate Christmas and a birthday

Published 2:35 pm Wednesday, December 21, 2016

“The Chosen Two” performed the majority of entertainment on the night. (Photos by Anthony Richards)

“The Chosen Two” performed the majority of entertainment on the night. (Photos by Anthony Richards)

The Gardens of Clanton held its annual Christmas Party on Dec. 15 and also celebrated resident Kay Miller’s 103rd birthday.

Miller has been a resident at the Gardens for six years and her birthday has become a part of the festive atmosphere during that time.

The party included a seemingly endless array of performances, as “The Chosen Two,” Lynn Cox and multiple pageant queens sang Christmas songs to those in attendance.

The jolly times appeared to be contagious, as even some the residents joined in and started singing.

One of the highlights of the night was when 2016 Miss Chilton County and University of Alabama majorette Avery Wyatt performed her routine in full-uniform, as the Alabama fight song played in the background.

Each branch of queens was represented at the event, including Peach, Swedish Festival and Chilton County.

The Gardens of Clanton held its annual Christmas party for its residents and their families on Dec. 15.

The Gardens of Clanton held its annual Christmas party for its residents and their families on Dec. 15.

“We had a great crowd tonight and all the families were here participating,” said Vickie Jones, Gardens of Clanton administrator. “This is definitely our largest event of the year. Everybody looks to getting involved with the holidays.”

Anyone driving by could tell that a party was taking place, as the parking lot was overflowing and decorations and lights covered the front porch.

The decorations resumed inside with Christmas trees, wreaths and stockings lining the wall with the names of every resident at the Gardens.

According to Jones, even the rooms of the residents were decorated and family members were taken on tours throughout the complex.

“It always turns out to be just gorgeous,” Jones said. “It’s a fantasy of lights.”

In the middle of all the Christmas paraphernalia was Miller’s birthday cake that proudly stated her age of 103.

The preparation and decorating began immediately after Thanksgiving. It takes about a week and a half to transform the Gardens of Clanton into what it is for the party.

The residents helped decorate the Christmas tree and gifts were exchanged.

“We try to make it feel just as if they were at home,” Jones said.