Chilton County prepares for election day
Published 3:21 pm Monday, October 24, 2016

Classes for Inspectors and poll workers will be held at the Chilton County Courthouse leading up to the general election on Nov. 8. (Photo by Anthony Richards)
The people of Chilton County will have the opportunity to get familiar with the machines that will be used to county their vote during the general election on Nov. 8.
A public demonstration of the DS200 voting machines and the Automark handicap machine will take place on Nov. 3 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Clanton Facility Building located at 309 1st Street North.
According to Chilton County Probate Judge Bobby Martin, the machines are the same used during the previous election, but the law requires that the voting machines and inspector’s classes is held every two years leading up to the general election.
The Inspector’s Class is scheduled for Nov. 1 beginning at 6 p.m. in the commission room located in the basement of the Chilton County Courthouse, while the election worker class for all other poll workers will be Thursday in the large courtroom at 6 p.m.
The classes will act as a refresher course on the proper procedures to follow for those assisting at each poll site.
“If we don’t have good poll workers, voters are the ones who are effected,” Martin said. “It’s all about ensuring the democratic process.”
The polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. with poll workers and inspectors remaining staffed throughout that duration.
Poll workers begin arriving at 6:15 a.m. to get things setup and stay at least an hour after the polls close, as the results are tallied,”
“People sometimes think things just happen, but there is a lot that goes into making sure the voting process runs smoothly,” Martin said.
Nineteen precincts make up Chilton County with each having an inspector that oversees the operation.
Inspectors for the 2016 general election include Olivia Washington at American Legion Post No. 6; Charles Velton Burnett at Cane Creek; Melvin C. Hartley at the Clanton Facility Building; Elizabeth Ann Dansby at Collins Chapel; Kendra Lashon Williams at the courthouse; Barbara Miller with courthouse absentees; Carl Seigler at Enterprise; Karen Burnett at Fairview; Andrew Thomas Mayfield at Isabella; Euleta Guy at Jemison City Hall; Bobby Ray Cook at Clanton Library; Cora McCall Enfinger at Maplesville Public Library; Margie Nell Smitherman at Mars Hill; Roy Lane Mocley at Providence Baptist Church; Joyce Bates at Providence East; Vance Leavell Causey at South Chilton Fire Station; Shelby Bolling Dowda at Thorsby Town Hall; Margaret Ennis at Union Grove New Fire Station; and Vivian Driver Johnson at Verbena.