Thorsby Council approves 2017 budget
Published 3:28 pm Tuesday, September 20, 2016
The Thorsby Town Council approved the 2017 budget of $1,788,355.64 during Monday’s meeting.
The new budget is $470,000 less than the 2016 budget, which was due to the pavement project that took place during the last year. Gary Moon introduced the budget to the Council.
Councilman Glenn Littleton asked the rest of the Council if they should wait and look it over.
“Are all the departments happy with it?” Littleton said.
After a brief period of debate and reassurance from Police Chief Rodney Barnett and the other departments present at the meeting, the budget was passed.
Also during the meeting, Jerald Atchison stood before the Council to express the need for sewer and streets lights for those living along West Medical Center Drive and the route connecting southwest Jemison to Thorsby.
“That area has been disenfranchised for quite some time,” Atchison said. “I’m proud to be here and we don’t want to be the eyesore of the community.”
Atchison thanked the Council for what it has done, but also asked to be considered and included when it comes to that area of town.
Littleton asked if there would be enough interest in sewer and whether there have been problems with the septic tanks that are in the area.
Atchison stated that he believes there would be plenty of support from the people of that area for the addition of sewer.
In other news from the meeting, the Council:
- Approved the adoption of a resolution required to receive funding as part of the FEMA mitigation plan for a natural disaster.
- Approved to allow Christy Foshee of the United Way to speak with town employees.
- Approved to pay the town’s bills.
- Approved the minutes from the previous meetings.