Gardens of Clanton crown king and queen
Published 12:36 pm Thursday, September 15, 2016

(left to right) Henry Doyle and Carrie Miller were crowned king and queen of Assisted Living Week and joined by Little Miss Peach Mary Henning-Dale, Vickie Moseley with the Gardens of Clanton and Young Miss Peach Claire Haggard. (Photo by Keith McCoy)
The Gardens of Clanton celebrated National Assisted Living Week with daily festivities, none more jam-packed than the crowning of the king and queen during a pageant on Wednesday.
Students from LeCroy Career Technical Center’s cosmetology class came to do the hair and makeup of 20 participants that took part in the show.
Members of the cosmetology class served as the judges, while music played as contestants performed their pageant walks.
Several queens from the area stopped by throughout the day including Ms. Senior Chilton County Becky Sides as well as various Chilton County and peach queens.
Carrie Miller was named queen of the show and Henry Doyle was named king.
“They got a chance to show their character and express themselves,” said Vickie Moseley, administrator with the Gardens of Clanton.
The day began with the residents being witnesses to a magic show performed by Bob and Lucy Sanders.
State Senator Cam Ward made an appearance to offer Moseley with a resolution in observance of Assisted Living Week, which was followed by a pizza lunch.
With each day that passes, more and more members of the community are taking the time to recognize and appreciate the Gardens of Clanton and the residents that have helped shape the county into what it is today.
“Everybody just had a lot of fun,” Moseley said. “That’s what it’s all about in the end.”