YMCA Hires New Director

Published 12:00 pm Saturday, September 3, 2016

Lori Patterson is the new director of the Chilton County YMCA. Charles Trammell, resource director for Y-USA, welcomed her to the new role on Sept. 8.(Photo by Steven Calhoun)

Lori Patterson is the new director of the Chilton County YMCA. Charles Trammell, resource director for Y-USA, welcomed her to the new role on Sept. 8.(Photo by Steven Calhoun)


The YMCA has hired Lori Patterson as its new director.

Patterson will oversee the programs and staff of the YMCA full-time.

“My goal is to increase programs offered to the youth and children of Chilton County, and to also build up the ones that are already here so that all the programs are to serve the members of our community,” said Patterson.

Since she started the job on Aug. 24, she has implemented a few changes that she says are already going well. The first thing she started when she came on board was the reorganization of the afterschool program to make education more of a focus.

“I brought on retired teachers to come in so that we could create smaller groups for tutoring,” said Patterson, referring to the afterschool program. She also brought in a fitness instructor to do fitness activities with the groups and a teacher from the Arts Council to do arts with the groups.

The YMCA recently had 91 kids sign up for fall soccer, which is the most they’ve ever had, according to Patterson. The YMCA will add tae kwon doe Sept. 12 and is in the process of growing the gymnastics program.

Patterson believes that a renewed focus on health and fitness is going to come along with the revamping of these programs.

“The reason I accepted the job is as an opportunity to serve my community, to do more for the children of Chilton county and the adults,” said Patterson. “I want to make the YMCA something bigger and better.”

Charles Trammell, resource director for Y-USA, came by to welcome Patterson on Sept. 8. He supports YMCAs in Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee by working with the leadership.

To keep up with the YMCA, go to ymcaofchiltoncounty.com.